I'm bringing this thread over here where it should be & to get something off my chest. BEFORE DOING SO LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL WHO READ THIS THREAD I HAVE NO ILL WILL TO ANYONE BUT THAT THREAD HAS GOTTEN WAY OUT OF HAND!
First & most importantly, I responded to editstein (Samantha) that I hope she comes back to MUM because before posting here I did my homework. MUM is a members only forum--meaning you cannot view the forum if you are not a member. You do not have to pay for membership, just create a log in name. I found her user name but she has never posted there. She is a lurker there. That's cool, but there have been people that have come in to MUM, taken information WAY out of context, as was my opinion of the "terrible customer service" thread & used it to start flame wars against MUM members. She had only been a member 1 day before posting her thread to Cathe. Therefore, my invitation to her was in friendship & above board because MUM is what I consider to be my "home base." It was not meant in malice, as her response to me indicates she took it ("Also i don't understand u when u say U hope I come back to MUm : sorry, i missed something here ! why shouldn't I ? Have i ever said I am not willing to anylonger ???!? Of course i will go back there !!!"). If she did not take it in malice, I apologize right now for assuming that she did. The invitation stands, come join in the fun.
HOWEVER, THAT WAS NOT THE POINT OF MY RESPONSE. The POINT of my response was that I felt that she should not have brought this to Cathe's attention in a public manner. Nor should she have named the forum where the information came from. If she felt so strongly about Cathe knowing about this it should have been done in private, an e-mail or a phone call.
But personally, if I were to complain about customer service to a friend (which is what was happening at MUM--friends complaining to friends), I would not want that friend to air my grievance for me.
Finally, IMHO some of you have made some very sweeping generalization in your response that are offensive. "IMHO, I'll predict those who felt - and said - they were given poor customer service are just poor-spirited individuals, and project their own attitude onto everyone else." You don't know these people; some of whom are members of this forum. The truth of the matter is, that these people are probably some of the most genuinely caring people you will want to meet. Click on my signature link below to find out just how caring these people are!
Why do I feel the need to respond to this issue? Because it bugs the bejeezus out of me that people here think that MUM is full of whiners & complainers that just want to slam Cathe & her customer service. That couldn't be further from the truth. That forum is the most open forum I have come across. We can go there to whine & complain (we do it all the time about every topic under the sun) or we can go there to lift each other up because we have serious issues (again, I'll refer you to my signature link) or we can go there just to have fun (& my oh my do we!). MUM is not for everybody. Some would be offended by some of the topics discussed & language used. I'm telling you--openess is the word of the day! But some will absolutely love it & us!
Again, I want to emphasize that I mean no ill will to anyone. I just felt a need to set the record straight on my account. If I've offended anyone, I apoligize as that is not my intent.
Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [|]
First & most importantly, I responded to editstein (Samantha) that I hope she comes back to MUM because before posting here I did my homework. MUM is a members only forum--meaning you cannot view the forum if you are not a member. You do not have to pay for membership, just create a log in name. I found her user name but she has never posted there. She is a lurker there. That's cool, but there have been people that have come in to MUM, taken information WAY out of context, as was my opinion of the "terrible customer service" thread & used it to start flame wars against MUM members. She had only been a member 1 day before posting her thread to Cathe. Therefore, my invitation to her was in friendship & above board because MUM is what I consider to be my "home base." It was not meant in malice, as her response to me indicates she took it ("Also i don't understand u when u say U hope I come back to MUm : sorry, i missed something here ! why shouldn't I ? Have i ever said I am not willing to anylonger ???!? Of course i will go back there !!!"). If she did not take it in malice, I apologize right now for assuming that she did. The invitation stands, come join in the fun.
HOWEVER, THAT WAS NOT THE POINT OF MY RESPONSE. The POINT of my response was that I felt that she should not have brought this to Cathe's attention in a public manner. Nor should she have named the forum where the information came from. If she felt so strongly about Cathe knowing about this it should have been done in private, an e-mail or a phone call.
But personally, if I were to complain about customer service to a friend (which is what was happening at MUM--friends complaining to friends), I would not want that friend to air my grievance for me.
Finally, IMHO some of you have made some very sweeping generalization in your response that are offensive. "IMHO, I'll predict those who felt - and said - they were given poor customer service are just poor-spirited individuals, and project their own attitude onto everyone else." You don't know these people; some of whom are members of this forum. The truth of the matter is, that these people are probably some of the most genuinely caring people you will want to meet. Click on my signature link below to find out just how caring these people are!
Why do I feel the need to respond to this issue? Because it bugs the bejeezus out of me that people here think that MUM is full of whiners & complainers that just want to slam Cathe & her customer service. That couldn't be further from the truth. That forum is the most open forum I have come across. We can go there to whine & complain (we do it all the time about every topic under the sun) or we can go there to lift each other up because we have serious issues (again, I'll refer you to my signature link) or we can go there just to have fun (& my oh my do we!). MUM is not for everybody. Some would be offended by some of the topics discussed & language used. I'm telling you--openess is the word of the day! But some will absolutely love it & us!
Again, I want to emphasize that I mean no ill will to anyone. I just felt a need to set the record straight on my account. If I've offended anyone, I apoligize as that is not my intent.
Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [|]