

How do the Terminator work outs compare to Boot Camp? Easier, harder?? I am thinking of purchasing the Terminator DVD but if they are even harder than BC I will purchase something else...I am not ready for something even more INSANE than BC yet! :p

Hi Wendy, I am a terminator junkie. I can not have a bad opinion about this workout. The terminator is great, better in my opinion than hardcore extreme. You have three workouts: the viper, the gaunlet and IMAX extreme.My favorite is the gaunlet because there are segments of Bootcamp in this workout.I loove bootcamp.IMAX Extreme is the hardest.This is my least favorite of the Terminators because you are basiclly doing two whole workouts (IMAX 2 and C & W) at once.Just thinking about the it makes me feel tired.Insane. I have done the Viper one time only but I like it because you have cardio and weight training in the same workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
oh, the terminator workouts are MUCH harder

they are much longer and the combination of weights with imax 2 segments is very intense

the "viper" is my absolute favorite cathe workout--its 4 step segments from C+W, 4 IMAX2 segments and weights from muscle endurance. its like an hour and 20 and is really hard but too much fun!

i sometimes use just the 8 step combos out of it as a 45 min cardio and it rocks.

the gauntlet is a LOT of BC, but mixed up with many IMAX2 segments VERY difficult and fun

i have yet to attempt IMAX2 extreme again after the first time i tried it and saw my life flash before my eyes

DEFINATELY get this dvd!
Oh my!!! This dvd sounds really EVIL!}( Thanks for your input ladies. I'll have to think really hard about this one! lol

I'll go read up on it in the dvd section. That oughta scare me good!:p
I love love love my Terminator DVD. Yes, I think it's harder than BC, but to me I love it because it's so insane. There are so many different segments thrown in from all the Intensity Series workouts you can hardly get bored. And what a sweatfest! I try not to use the Terminator too much because I don't ever want to get tired of it. Mariángeles, if you are the Spanish Terminator junkie, can I be the American Terminator junkie? LOL. I can never stop preaching the gospel for my beloved Terminator...Well anyway,I'm leaving for the roadtrip in a couple hours and the last thing I packed is my Terminator DVD. That's the one I chose for Cathe to autograph. Am I a geek or what?
Hey Wendy: Another Terminator lover here. These workouts are hard but they are very FUN too. I love doing IMAX Xtreme fast forwarding through the weights sections, viper and gauntlet are great too. I don't think you can go wrong with these and with your great drive and spirit I knoooow you are up for it!!!!

Take Care
Hey Wendy, I just finished the Viper 20 minutes ago. That thing is evil}( }( ... All three of the w/o's are very difficult. Run time on my HRM said 1 hour 20 minutes....

here's the blurb off the buyer's guide on the Viper...

The Viper:
one cardio section from Cardio & Weights + one Imax2 interval + two or three Muscle Endurance upper body heavy weights Then repeat this pattern 4 times doing different exercises each time.

The other two are just as bad (good)}(

I love this DVD.

ETA - Wendy, I checked back on my calendar and the Viper ran 75 minutes last time I did it. I paused it a few times this time change weight on my barbell. I didn't have my barbell last time, just used dumbbells so I never paused it. So the run time is approximately 75 minutes.
Don't worry TK. You can be the american terminator junkie.There are two terminator junkies of two different countries. That's great. Cathe's fans all over the world.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie :)
Hi Wendy--

Another Terminator fan here. Like another poster, I just did the Viper today (and at 15 weeks pregnant,even with some modifications, it felt much harder than usual and I had to take a pee break about half way through:p :p --and I skipped the ME pushups at the very end. )

Order it, you will not regret this purchase}(

Another Terminator fan too!! But I also like Hardcore Ex...:)...BC itself is a tough one but Terminator like the others said has longer workouts. For me Gaunlet is the toughest with those BC segments (yes the terminator squat thrusts are in it!!). I did the Viper yesterday and sweated buckets. And as a cardio junkie...I find Imax Extreme the easiest as I could do cardio like that all day....must be why I'm a distance runner...:)...Carole
Hi Wendy!

I have only done IMAX extreme, but I loved it! Kicked my butt, tho! I haven't been quite brave enough to do the others yet, but give me time!!!

If you get it, I'm sure you will enjoy it!
Cool, ladies. Thanks! I am actually going to make a trade with another poster here so that she can try a dvd I have before she buys it and I can try the Terminator DVD. I will let you know my opinnion after I have attempted each work out! I think I should have the dvd by the end of this week so I can hopefully include it in my rotation for NEXT week at the latest. I will subsitute it where BC usually is. }( If you don't hear from me next week please call an ambulance because that means that I didn't survive it. :p

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