terminator questions


I've been using the intensity series regularly since January and am loving it. I'm looking for a little more now, and was wondering if anyone could share some info on the terminator DVD.
How long are the workouts? How do you use them in your rotation?
I own all of Cathe's videos and am completely addicted to the workouts. I just know i need this terminator DVD, but am one of the few people left who don't have a DVD player. However, I would be willing to buy one for this specific reason. I don't plan on converting my entire video collection (80+ videos) to DVD.

Thanks for any info you can help me with on the terminator!

Hi Wendy! I love the Terminator... I use it quite a bit more than I thought I would. The workouts are long, but you can shorten them to any desired length, and it just gives a great mix of the other terrific workouts in the I-Series. DVD's are just SO much more verstile in general... so spend that $$ and get yourself a player! Anyway, here is what I posted to another Terminator thread - I found it very helpful. ;-)

You'll find a great reference put together by someone at VF, here is the link:

It provides all the info (chapter #, time, exercise) for each individual chapter for all 3 terminator workouts.
I know! I'm sorry, I didn't see my post the first time so i reposted.
thanks for the reply, that helps soo much!

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