Terminator Question

Hi Everyone,
I'm really familiar with Cathe's workouts, but for some reason, not with the Terminator:-( . I'm fairly new to Cathe's site, and was wondering if anyone could tell me what Cathe's Terminator workout is mainly about. Thanks for your help!

That's ok. I apprecitate you trying to help me though:) Oh, by the way, I looked at your Picture Trail, and I saw your wokout space pics. I was wondering where you got your wieght holder. I've been looking at places like Sears, but they only had ones that help like 3 pairs of dumbells, preferabley not the heavy ones because it's plasticx( Yuck. What can plastic hold? LOL

Anyway thanks,

Terminator refers to the DVD that contains 3 workouts on it. They are all compiled by blending segments from workouts in the Intensity Series: BootCamp, Cardio & Weights, IMAX2, Muscle Endurance. They range in length from 70 to 80 minutes, and all are very advanced.

Thanks Sandra. This really does help, and this workout really does sound advanced:7 I think I'll try it and see what it's like. Also, one more question. Do you think this is a good muscle building workout or muscle leaning out workout? I prefore bodybuilding workouts. Thanks for your help.

Hi Adri! I asked a similar question a few weeks ago and one of the forum members was nice enough to break down the Terminator for me. I think the only thing missing here is the Guantlet. I haven't purchased it yet though.

Imax Extreme:

First Cardio from C&W+
Compound weights
Imax Step and Blast 2-3
Second Cardio from C&W+
Compound weights
Imax Step and Blast 4-5
Third Cardio from C&W+
Compound weights
Imax Step and Blast 6-7
Forth Cardio from C&W+
Compound weights
Imax Step and Blast 8-9
Imax c/d and stretch

The Viper:

First Cardio from C&W
Imax Step and Blast 1
ME weights
Second Cardio from C&W
Imax Step and Blast 2
ME weights
Third Cardio from C&W
Imax Step and Blast 5
ME weights
Forth Cardio from C&W
Imax Step and Blast 9
ME weights
ME stretch

Good luck!!! Melissa :D
Ok, I think I get this. The Terminator is a combination of different combos and exercises from other workouts. I get it:p Thanks for your help Melissa. I think I'll buy it. It sounds intense}(!

Here's the Gauntlet breakdown for ya:

Imax 2: Warm-up into step & interval 1
BC: Squats, 35# bar
C&W: Plie' w/rows, 8#
BC: Overhead press, 8#
BC: Speed skaters

Imax 2: Step into side rocks
BC: Side lunges w/ med ball
C&W: Lunges w/ tricep extensions, 8#
BC: Lying tricep extensions, 8#
BC: Jacks, 1/4 jacks & airbornes

Imax 2: Step into ski-hops & tucks
BC: Squats into roundhouse kicks
C&W: Reverse lunges w/ hammer curls, 8#
BC: Bicep curls, 25# bar
BC: Squat thrust climbers

Imax 2: Step w/ power squats
BC: Front kicks
C&W: Dead lifts w/ rows, 8#
BC: Single lat rows, 2-8#s
BC: Jack & jab

Imax 2: Step into power box, genie hops
BC: Static lunges, 35# bar
C&W: Plie's w/ rows, 8#
BC: Push ups
BC: Sequential power kicks

Imax 2: Step into straddle taps
BC: Alternating lunges, 8#
C&W: Dead lifts w/ rows, 8#
BC: Dead rows, 25# bar
BC: Speed bag arms, knees, plyos

C&W: Stretch

This is one of my favorites. Can't say it is a muscle-builder...more conditioning and endurance, I think, and it is light on the chest. But it will hit everything else nicely and it puts me in the best of moods!

Wow thanks Julie. That's great. Yea, by the sounds of it it looks like more of a cardio/ muscle endurance workout, but INTENCE!! I might get it. Maybe my Mom will like it better. She doesn't like to add much bulk!!



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