Terminator is awesome! Just did Imax extreme...


Hi everyone!

My DH surprised me with the Terminator DVD (now my Cathe DVD collection is complete...;)) for my 35th birthday. Just tried Imax extreme from it, and it's awesome!!! I didn't think mixing up old workouts could end up feeling like such a different workout alltogether. I can't wait to try out the Viper and the GAuntlet.

Just needed to rave to someone, most of my friends aren't so much into working out, let alone that they'd understand anything about the "wonderful world of Cathe"...;)) Just wanted to share with all my fellow Catheites... I know you know how good working out makes you feel about yourself. Like so many of you, I'm in better shape (and almost 40 pounds lighter after two pregnancies), happier with myself (physically and emotionally) now than ever before. And I never would have thought that...;))). I'm literally a new person. THANK YOU, CATHE!!!

So in my endorphin rush I want to remind all of you to feel good about yourself, you're doing such a great job working out!

Maria ;)
I did the gaunlet in the past weekend and I love it. I have preordered the compilation dvd of hardcore because I hope it will be as awesome as the terminator.
Hi Maria,

The Gauntlet is my favorite on the Terminator dvd. Sorry to say I'm not sure if I've ever done Imax Extreme. The gauntlet and viper are both excellent and it sounds like Imax Extreme is also. Enjoy trying all of them.

I'm really glad I ordered the Hardcore compilation DVD too, I hope it's similar to this one. I can't wait to try out the Viper and the Gauntlet. I love the fact that they're a little bit longer, they're great for a weekend workout so you can feel really good about yourself and enjoy some extra cheats there...;)))


I have ordered the compilation dvd of hardcore because I have done the gaunlet and I love it. I hope the hardcore will so good .

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