Terminator DVD


Hi all--Happy Friday

I wanted to ask those of you that have done the Terminator DVD how much harder it is than bootcamp.

I did BC today for the first time, and loved it and although it was tough, I really enjoyed it. The terminator DVD is the only one I didnt get and would like a first hand account on how it compares to BC.

I have a Bday coming up, and thought about asking for it, but if its way harder than BC, I doubt I will use it anytime soon!!

Have a great weekend
IMHO, BootCamp is somewhat tougher minute for minute than Terminator. However, it has a shorter running time, and Terminator is great because with a slightly extended session you really can get cardio and targeted muscle conditioning in. Slightly less intensity in return for extended workout time.

Plus, I really like the "Salad" approach, throwing elements of several other workouts into three mixes. I think you'd enjoy it tremendously!

Always Spendin' Your Money!
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Hi Annette,
Thanks so much for the info--thats all the convincing I need!! Oh, my DH will be so thrilled--heehee

Jayne - I definitely agree with Annette on this one! I think Terminator is so worth the money. You get a killer workout combining cardio and wts. I will definitely get my money's worth out of this one. Plus the variety is great!

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