Terminator DVD Question


I am going to order a circuit workout today - I want a tough one. Posted this question recently and Circuit Max was recommended. I am going to get that one, but in looking over descriptions before ordering this morning it occured to me that the Terminator DVD might be just what I want right now. To those who have done it, am I right - are the workouts circuits and about how long are they? Please post answer if you know as I would like to order as soon as possible, want to do a circuit rotation next week.
Thank you.
Hi! This is my first time answering a question on this forum instead of asking one. :)

Terminator was the first Cathe DVD I ever bought. In my opinion, Gauntlet and Viper are very advanced circuit workouts, including extremely challenging cardio as well as a good amount of weights.

As for Imax Extreme, I barely even notice the weight segments and feel that it's mostly a cardio workout (I just did this one last night!). I will do Imax Extreme on the rare days when I don't want to work with weights, probably because I am too sore from a weight workout the day before.

I feel that all three are somewhat heavier on the cardio than weights and are geared towards endurance - but that is just my feeling about them. For all three, it is still very hard for me to make it through to the end! The workouts range from 70 to 80 minutes, with Viper being the longest (I think).

I don't think you will be disappointed with the Terminator. Be prepared to sweat! :)

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