So I just turned 41 and over a period of about 6 months have had all of the above!! I'm not sure what's going on but I am not liking it at all. I thought we were suppose to become better with age so I'm totally confused!!!!
I think I may have to give up lifting heavy weights for a while. Every time I do it my right elbow starts to bother me. When I was done with my heavy upper body WO my elbow hurt I had to ice it and then I used those icey hot patches and it felt better. Fast forward 3 days later and it doesn't bother me and usually doesn't doing just every day things. Only when I lift the weights. What's funny is that it doesn't bother me when I do body weight excercises like push-up or planks. Has this happen to any of you?
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I think we all have to be careful, particularly after years of weight-training, to make sure we don't have tendonosis. Tendonosis is long-term is nature; tendonitis is
strictly short-term. If the area isn't completely healed after about fourteen days of complete rest, tendonosis is more likely (especially if you've been dealing with this issue time and time again in the same area of the body), and it requires a different strategy to get better. Or at the very least, not to get worse. Going off of what I've read from sports medicine doctors, I think nearly every weight-lifter experiences tendonitis somewhere in the body at some point in time, assuming they lift for enough for time and with enough weight. It's easy almost to look at things like this as a personal weakness or something ("What did I do wrong? Why is my body aging this way? What should I do differently?", when in fact it's almost more like an occupational hazard.

I'm not saying to anyone, "don't lift!" I'm just saying that these issues are extremely common, not unusual, and I believe they are a strong reason why athletes and exercisers
must periodize their training priorities throughout their life. I just think we have to be flexible. Like you said about giving up lifting heavy weights for awhile, we have to be willing to try new activities and lay off the old ones. I would love to know Cathe's thoughts on this, especially from her personal experience...
I remember Tracie Long (who I think is in her late 40's now) said she had to change her training style in recent times. I presumed when I read it that she was referring to changing her style for her own aesthetic purposes, but maybe she was also referring to injury prevention or treatment? She didn't elaborate, so I'm not certain what she meant. I know years ago she was into lots of weight-training, power yoga, running, spinning and of course, aerobics. Now her training style seems to have evolved a great deal, although I find nothing wrong with the newer workouts she has put out. And she looked great!