
I was reading the weekly check in(I think it's my favorite post! It really gets me motivated!)when this idea occurred to me. I wanted to get some opinions before I tried it. I'm going to get back to the gym when school is out(for my daughter, not me!). I want to do weights there, but need an organized routine to follow. I was thinking about recording MIS on audiotape and taking that with me. Has anyone else done this? What do you think?
Hi StepFit!

I think it's a great idea. I saw a post over at VF that said some of the gals did that when they go on vacation and don't have a VCR available. As long as you know your tape and form well enough, I think it would be easy to follow along. I wondered if there was a problem with "copying" the audio?? Good for you on making your commitment to get back to strength. Have fun! DebbieH
The controversy...

There is a little controversy on the legality of it. No one can get a straight answer on whether coping the audio is OK if you own the tape...keep it and you use the audio for yourself. My own common sense should be don't infringe on anyones copyright laws..right...ya paid for it and you are still doing the same workout, just "blind"???

With that all being said and say it was legal
wink.gif is a super idea...Cathe is one of the few instructors that cues well enough to actually do not only her strength videos but cardio as well over your walkman...hey....just guessing

If you don't want to go to the trouble of copying the audio, you could write down the order and exercises(sets and reps) that Cathe uses in your favorite strength tape and just check them off as you go.

I pretty much stick to the PS format while lifting at the gym and it works out well

Let us know how you make out by checking into the weekly check-in!

Taking it to the gym!

Hi StepFit! Yes I've done this. It works really well. Right everything down that Cathe tells you on the tape and then bring your sheets into the gym and apply it there. Once you've become really proficient at this and want to become more creative try incorporating cables, machines as well as dumbells and barbells. What variety you'll get! Good luck! Kathy
Thanks, everybody, for your advice. I wasn't even aware that copying it for my own use might be a problem! I've started watching the tape at home so that I can get familair with before I take my show on the road. I've also decided that it's time I bared my workout soul on the weekly checkin! I can't wait for next week!

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