Tell me how hard is Bootcamp?


I have only read about it - haven't even seen it yet but I plan to watch it on FitTV this week to see. Do you all like the workout?? It seems killer to me.

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
I like this workout because you get cardio, weights and abs within an hour. The abs at the end of each cycle really have me huffing and puffing. So many options (premixes) with this DVD

Worth every penny.

Debbie, I purchased Bootcamp last summer, but didn't even preview it for a couple of months. I was intimidated by the reviews of others about how difficult it was. One day, I just decided to go for it and you know what, it wasn't that tough. Don't get me wrong, it's a fabulous workout, but it is very doable. Bootcamp is a fab workout
Boot camp was the first Cathe workout I tried and I was immediately hooked! It is tough, but definitely do-able! Some of the 8 cycles are harder than others, but like Cathe says, "you can do anything for a minute!" I love the variety of non-step interval aerobics.
I love workouts that include everything--cardio, upper and lower body work and abs. This one definitely fits the bill! It's challenging but one of the few workouts of Cathe's that doesn't give me DOMS. :7 Tracy
Bootcamp is a very fun workout and a good workout. No need to be afraid of it. With any new workout, do modification's if you need to. I don't preview the workouts because I don't remember what moves they did anyway...I put the DVD in and let er' buck!
After doing the advanced High Step workout that Cathe released when she released the beginner/intermediate workout series, I think Boot Camp is a walk in the park!

I like Boot Camp though and do it regularly.

I like the core portions the best!
Bootcamp is great -- one of my favorite workouts!

What I love most about it is that incorporates core (abs) exercises throughout the workout. It stresses me out when I'm doing a workout and I'm worried about having enough time for core work. Bootcamp takes that worry away.

It's a very time-efficient workout. Buy it -- you won't be sorry!

another one who was originally intimidated by all the posts on here and other forums about bootcamp.. then i did it.. it's not as bad as they say! it is a tough workout... it's a GOOD workout! it's my favorite and most used (after PUB) workout!

don't be afraid.. just do it! lol! you'll love it!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
The one thing about Bootcamp that makes it EASIER than other workouts is that each exerise is one minute long. Cathe even says during the workout "you can doing anything for a minute!". IMHO, the time just flies by.
I have only done bootcamp one time all the way through. I guess I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. But, I've only done it once! It was a great workout, really had me tired, just not sure if I like the pace and switching from exercise to exercise so fast and so many times.
The thing about Bootcamp and the High Step workouts is.....they are great if your body responds well to short, sharp bouts of exercises and rapid changes.

I personally find this the toughest sort of training to do, so I would rather do any of the Imaxes and Circuit Max to Bootcamp.

I'm with Clare!!! I love BC but if I have not done it for a while I get terribly winded and sometimes lightheaded. I think it is b/c my heart rate is all over the place with this one. Once I've incorporated it into a roation for a while my body/heart adjusts to it and I can even go heavier on the wieghts. But at first it just about KILLS me. That being said, my husband who is get back into working out does two cycles of BC every other day. I came in and started watching Cathe in BC and it made me want to tackle this one again sometime soon. I love BC but I am one of those that finds it difficult and one of Cathe's best worktouts in my opinion!!!

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