Tell me again

The weight gain will stop, & the weight loss will start. Borrow or buy the Abs Diet book for metabolism boosting foods.

It's been 5 years for me as of May. My reasons were less health related & more vanity related (whatever works, right?). Smoking is foul & disgusting. As already mentioned, it makes your clothes, house & car stink.

It's also THE most damaging thing for your skin, second only to the sun.

I haven't mentioned this on the forums, but last March my dad almost died. He had 7 cardiac arrests in 3 hours. I learned that cardiac arrests are not the same thing as heart attacks--heart attacks affect only the heart. Cardiac arrest is when your entire body shuts down. He had to be zapped back to life 7 times. The docs were certain he was gonna die (fortunately the old coot fooled us all). The docs were also certain this was caused by his pack a day habit for the last 50 years.

My Nana died from lung cancer. When she was diagnosed the docs found a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her lungs.

I still get the urge. Every once in a while I'll bum one from a coworker. Every time I do it tastes like poison.

Are we all convincing enough? ;)
You can do it!

Think of all of the health benefits of quitting smoking. You've gotten some great advice here. I have a sister that has smoked since she was 13. She is now almost 38 and will NOT quit. I really wish she would.

Take care, and know that you have support here!
Quitting smoking & weight gain

Why I should stay smoke free?

I've gained all my weight back since I quit smoking. And I mean all of it. I'm disgusted with myself. I just keep getting bigger and bigger. I know my eating could be better, but I really don't eat that badly.

I'm so tempted to go pick up a pack of cigarettes.

Ex-smokers, please tell me the weight gaining stops. I don't know how much longer I can take this. :(

Here's what was important that you wrote: "I know my eating could be better, but I really don't eat that badly." If you're gaining weight, you need to take a careful look at your food intake. I gained weight when I quit smoking, but my eating habits were not the greatest either. If you've never belonged to Weight Watchers, now would be the time to look into it. They will teach you how to get honest with your relationship with food, and lose the weight you gained recently.
Laura, one of the biggest reasons I quit was because I couldn't get through a cardio work out. Honestly, if I would of known I would have gained all this weight, I would have never quit. :eek:

I know I'm going to catch flack for this, but I'd rather be smoking and still be thin. Yes, it's great to breathe, but I'm miserable right now. All I do is think about how fat I am. :(
I know I'm going to catch flack for this, but I'd rather be smoking and still be thin. Yes, it's great to breathe, but I'm miserable right now. All I do is think about how fat I am. :(

No, I've made the exact same statement. I pushed myself. I reminded myself every single day that failure was not an option. Believe me, I know gaining weight is depressing, but you can fix it without smoking!

Jennie, what good is thin when you are so ill that you can't walk across the street without an oxygen tank?
Laura, one of the biggest reasons I quit was because I couldn't get through a cardio work out. Honestly, if I would of known I would have gained all this weight, I would have never quit. :eek:

I know I'm going to catch flack for this, but I'd rather be smoking and still be thin. Yes, it's great to breathe, but I'm miserable right now. All I do is think about how fat I am. :(

Jennie - I don't think you'll catch any flack. I think most people on this forum who are ex-smokers understand exactly how you feel. It is extremely discouraging to give up a very bad, unhealthy habit for (mostly) health reasons just to find your self becoming unhealthy because you gain weight! I think it is a slow process for the metabolism to speed back up. Maybe this would be a good time to "shock" your body by changing up your workout routine or how/what/when you eat. Good luck to you and keep us posted!


Please do not go back to smoking. My mom is a smoker and she has already suffered a stroke, on blood pressure meds, has asthma, etc. Too much to tell. Did I mention she is only 53? Of course I love her, but it tears me up to see her still puffing away. You can do this. You have come a long way already and I am very proud of you! :) You have a challenge ahead of you, but I know you will embrace it!!! :);)

When are you going to buy yourself something nice with all that money you are saving on cigs?

Take care. I will be thinking of you! :)

Please do not go back to smoking. My mom is a smoker and she has already suffered a stroke, on blood pressure meds, has asthma, etc. Too much to tell. Did I mention she is only 53? Of course I love her, but it tears me up to see her still puffing away. You can do this. You have come a long way already and I am very proud of you! :) You have a challenge ahead of you, but I know you will embrace it!!! :);)

When are you going to buy yourself something nice with all that money you are saving on cigs?

Take care. I will be thinking of you! :)

When my fat arse can fit in to it. ;) I did go on a cruise this past July/June. Does that count?

Do you own a bike or an elliptical? Have you tried Cardio Coach?
I'm thinking you could use the spiritual motivation CC provides AND CC melts the fat off quicker than anything I know.

What are your workouts and diet like?
Jennie, I should be working and I haven't read any of the responses, but here's what I wanted to offer to you: Nicotine is a mood-enhancing drug. When you stop taking it, it's natural for your mood to take a turn for the worst. Like most women, you probably eat more when you're feeling down. In fact, you're feeling so down you don't even remember why you stopped in the first place. I think it's par for the course. Do whatever lifts your spirits. Exercise can really enhance your mood. Do more cardio than usual during this difficult time, and go for the endorphins. It is very important for your health to quit smoking once and for all, so do whatever is necessary to make yourself feel better to make up for the loss of nicotine. If necessary, see a doc and take some medication for awhile. It's more than worth it.

Personally, I don't believe the "habit" aspect of smoking is really an issue. If you can enhance your mood, I think you'll see that replacing a cigarette with a cup of coffee is enough to take care of the "habit" aspect of quitting. I think the mood issue is about 98% of it, and if you can take care of that, it will be smooth sailing ahead. :)

My credentials: 20+ years as a smoker and 12 as a non-smoker.
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I'm not a smoker, but I've always thought images like these are an excellent reason NOT to smoke. The left image is a healthy, non-smoker lung. The right image is that of a long-term smoker. Just remember to think about what's going on inside of you, as well as the outside. You're doing a good thing for yourself, so don't give up!

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Oh my goodness that image of the smokers lung is horrible! I have been smoke free for two years now, and yes the weight does stop. Just remember that you can always take excess weight off, but lung cancer is usually forever! I just had a friend of mine lose her step father to lung cancer from being a long term smoker and it was one of the hardest things in the world to watch her go through so I can't even begin to imagine what it would actually be like to have to go through the whole thing. So stay strong and commited cuz it is soooooooooooooooooooo worth it, even with the whole weight gain thing.
Oh heck, those pics are nothing. Don't think every smoker in the world hasn't seen those pics a dozen times. I know I did. They didn't deter me, & I don't think they'll deter any nicotine addict.

Jennie, I totally hear you on the weight thing, & you have no reason to be embarassed. Like I said, I quit smoking b/c of vanity. I was 35 & my skin was looking like I was 50. I seriously saw improvement in my skin texture immediately.

Think of it this way. You've seen 50 YO women who're thin & who smoke, right? Were they attractive? I'm guessing no. What did they sound like? Something resembling a frog? Compare that woman to the 50 YO woman who's heavy but doesn't smoke. She probably looked beautiful & healthy, right?

Given the choice between being a skinny shriveled raisin & a plump smooth peach, I'll choose the peach any day. :)
Jennie, I totally hear you on the weight thing, & you have no reason to be embarassed. Like I said, I quit smoking b/c of vanity. I was 35 & my skin was looking like I was 50. I seriously saw improvement in my skin texture immediately.

Think of it this way. You've seen 50 YO women who're thin & who smoke, right? Were they attractive? I'm guessing no.

Oh and forget about plastic surgery if you smoke. You have delayed healing and a good surgeon would advise you against any elective surgery. Smoking puts you at high risk for necrosis because your skin is oxygen starved.
I say go ahead and start smoking again. You'll lose the weight, and, if you're lucky enough to get lung cancer from it, you'll lose LOTS more weight during chemo when there are sores all over the inside of your mouth and you can't keep food down. My friend who died of cancer a few years ago was at an all-time low adult weight of 102 when she died...she didn't look that great, but at least she was skinny.

Light up and enjoy...rapid weight loss without even trying.

Do you own a bike or an elliptical? Have you tried Cardio Coach?
I'm thinking you could use the spiritual motivation CC provides AND CC melts the fat off quicker than anything I know.

What are your workouts and diet like?

No, I don't own an elliptical or bike. I've heard of CC but I've never tried it. I'm not even sure what it is.

I'm doing a work out now that FitnessFreak created. I'm working on the eating thing. I have cut a few things out of my diet so I'll see if that helps.
Cardio Coach is High Intensity Interval Training.
Coach Sean takes you through the workout.
While you are burning a gazillion calories, he encourages you to live your best life. It's hard work, but spiritually uplifting at the same time.
He helps you stay focussed and makes you want to try harder for the life you dream. A healthy life.

I know some have used this program for walking. I would post a question on a seperate thread asking how walkers use cardio coach outside.

I think Coach Sean could help you on the days your struggling with all this.
I know how hard it is sweetie. I really do. I was once where you are now and I know how you're feeling. This It's a uphill battle and that is why so many people fail at beating this horrible addiction.
Keep telling yourself that you are strong. Keep picturing the life you want for yourself and you will make it a reality.
Hang in there!!!
Just don't give up. It DOES get better.
WHy stay smoke free? I'm sure you know the health arguments, so here are some others:

Because you STINK when you smoke. Your clothes STINK. Your breath STINKS. Your pretty hair STINKS. Those ashtrays around your house and car and office STINK!

Because smokers' faces age faster. You'll have dry skin and wrinkles before your time. And a certain not-so-healthy skin tone that will ID you as a smoker.

Because yellowed teeth and fingers aren't so pretty.

Because smoking is an expensive addiction, and you could use the money for things that are beneficial to you and will add to the quality of your life.

Because smoking is an addiction, and nobody needs a monkey on their backs.

Because conquering an addiction is empowering, and you can count it as one of the milestones on your trek to better health.

And, though I hate to quote from advertising: because you're worth it!

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