technical problem with the DVD's


I've had a problem with some of the videos not working on all DVD systems. In particular the newest DVD's that I have had. The last 2 portable computers I have had, the most recent I bought this month will not play at least 1, the Rhythmic Step DVD. I assume this a technical problem with the videos. How can I have these DVD's replaced. I'll have to try all of them to make sure which ones work, although some will play fine. I bought the DVD's in the sale prior to their release.
Thank you, Lea
I had a problem with Cathe and CIA DVDs. It turned out my Sony DVD player did not play all the technologies. I purchased JVC DVD player that does for $179 at Circuit City. The sales associate recommended this of all the machines the store had at any price. I have not had any problems with any of Cathe's DVDs on this player.
What kind of problems were you having with your Sony DVD player? I have the Sony 5-disc changer and I am just starting to get workouts on dvd. Are there certain problems this dvd plater has that I should be looking out for?
My DVD player is a couple of years old. It is not able to play all of the technologies used to record DVDs. I believe the newer machines play the different technologies. They are also much less sensitive to scratches and dust.
Computers quite often will have problems playing DVDs, especially dual layered disc. Performance will vary depending on how much RAM and CPU power your computer has. We highly recommend if you use a computer to play your DVDs to get one with a DVD decoder card and not one that uses software decoding.
Me too!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 11:45PM (Est)[/font][p]I occasionally have trouble with my DVD player being able to read some of my Cathe DVD's. It will say on the screen "You can not use this type of disc". Or, it will stop in the middle of reading it and go nowhere. I will eject it and then pop it back in and then it will work??? (Whew, thank goodness!!) Sooo, you might want to try it a couple of times before you give up.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I got a few responses. These are brand new computers, with DVD rewritable CD ROM with 512 RAM, 1 Gigabyte MHZ. Im not in the market for a new computer since I just bought one. I do a lot of traveling and really would like to use the Cathe tapes when I'm on the road (which is all the time). The only other tapes I've been unable to play are some bootleg tapes from Mexico. All other titles and CD's except the Cathe tapes play completely perfectly. The Cathe tapes don't just play badly, the are not recognized at all. Again, is there anything that I can do short of purchasing a new computer or DVD player to lug around with me.
If your kids have a Playstation 2 or Xbox, try that. They're small. Of course, they have no monitor but hotels usually have a TV...? Just a thought.

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