Taught my first step class, it was terrible

You all have just taken my breath away with your warm and encouraging words! After reading your posts, I feel like I'm really on the right track! You are all angels, literally, bringing a divine message to me.

Strong@heart, thank you for your perspective. Wanda, your post made me smile!
Aquajock, I am glad we have the beginning in common- I look forward to having more!

Clare, thank you for a retrospective. I like to look at the big picture.
Wayne, I didn't realize you taught too! Cool! Thanks for your story!
Debbie, you have helped me before and I really value your input!

Jen, thanks for showing me some reality of live classes.
((((Carol)))) You are so sweet to take the time to post to me!
Kathryn, I am feeling better already!

Laurie, deer in the headlights is exactly right!
Sheila, yes I am learning the choreography cold. I underestimated how cold!

JCrew, Thanks for your sweet post!!
Kelly, I am in California, in the East Bay (anyone in my area feel free to ask for the specific place, e-mail me through this board)! I'd wait a few months if I were you! :)

Liz, I can't believe it either, but I will take all your recs.
Soosan, thank you for your kindness.

Bobbi, you are so right!
Jordan, your post makes me feel good. :)
Pinky, thank you for your warm words.

Cathe, thanks for your thoughtful post! And thank you for your valuable insights!

Next Saturday you will all be in my thoughts!!

Fondly, Connie

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