<---tappity, tappity, tap

<---thinks everyone is hysterical and <---loves reading this thread first thing in the morning to get her chuckle during the day

<---hopes Kristine feels better and sends her a cyber {{HUG}}

<---ran four freaking miles last night and couldn't be more excited about it

<---can't believe <---gets to see the 512 girls this weekend!

<---thinks all SO/DH/BF's need an occasional kick...somewhere!

<---Wishes my life would settle down
<---son has a concussion and a conused bone from fainting sunday
<---dad wound up in hospital yesterday with chest pains<---dad should be released today
<---thinks she is a jinx!
<---asks shelley how gilbert is
<---tells Debbie thank you for the e-mail and will be e-mailing her back today
<---Just realized she is being a downer and you all may throw e off this thread!
<---tells Angie that she hopes angie Has fun this weekend with the 512 girls!
<---is off to do workout and go see my dad
<---says hello to everyone:)
<---is feeling wasted this morning and wishes she had Robin's swooshing speed
<---is sore in chest and back from yesterday's GS-chest and back workout
<---thinks some threads are SORELY overdue to be whacked, shot and nailed in a coffin
<---tells Kristine that one day she'll no longer have to modify... just keep at it:)
<---such advice doesn't work for the one who gave it, cardio-wise:p
<---can't find sheep in her neck of the woods, but can always spot horses and longhorns
<---thinks horses are gorgeous creatures:)
<---hopes Edie's DH starts a Cathe regimen:)
<---tells Emily she has to lower weights every now and then, ttom or not
<---thinks it's the body needing more recovery time (maybe even more chocolate?):)
<---would love to see pics of Gilbooboy
<---agrees with Rogue about that fast kick to the butt
<---hopes Terri's son and dad feel better soon
<---should finish breakfast

<---wonders if Pinky is on to something with her needing more chocolate theory
<---is excited about seeing the 384 girls, but sure is going to miss Shelley
<---hopes that Shelley will conference call in during lunch on Saturday
<---has pieces of pluot stuck in <---'s teeth
<---needs floss
<---sends cyber hugs to Terri and hopes her life gets better SOON
<---is sure Pinky has a good sore
<---isn't sulking, but hopes the 384 girls have a toast to everyone who wishes they could join them
<---thinks the asthma is finally under control and could do HSC with almost same weight as before cold
<---still needs some work catching up on cardio endurance
<---will try IMAX3 this evening, if swooshing doesn't wear me out
<---bow and swoosh, cape tossed over shoulder with elan
<---has found the most delicious new coffee creamer that is sugar free and tastes LIKE carmel!!
<---still isn't looking forward to dr apt.
<---hates paper gowns
<---has to do a workout today
<---plans to wash and wax truck today
<---is excited about Gilbert pic
<---still has to go to Walmartx(
<---is reading In Her Shoes (before i see the movie) and is laughing alot
<---must go do bookwork now;-)

<--- is feelin' like me old self after weeks of that URT (upper respiratory thing)
<--- is sore from my first really good workout since my URT
<--- thinks Bobbi is da bomb and thanks her for the compliment
<--- is delighted that to see DebbieH
<--- also enjoys Debbie's posts }(
<--- has a sore neck from shaking her head so much while reading some of the current threads... lookin' like a bobblehead :)
<--- rolls her eyes a lot too and worries that her mother was right and her face may freeze like that... Oh NO!
<--- doesn't plan to birth a small nation but maybe just a county :) and has no plans in going to hell for it
<--- is happy that Kali made it through IMAX mod. free
<--- has noticed decreased strength at TTOM too but is pretty wimpy after the URT
<--- wants to know more about the coffee creamer Jess
<--- agrees the paper gowns are terrible and has offered them to clients to take home but no one ever goes for it
<--- laughing at the swooshing going on
<--is back from workout
<--notes that sheep did not get wet and have mysteriously disappeared
<--loves reading these funny posts :)
<--needs to check on minestrone soup in crockpot
<--hopes Terri's father and son are doing ok
<---doesn't have enough time to work out before she has to pick up son
<---will have to sneak in a workout before midnight... again
<---swears to Evily that chocolate helped her up her weights and allowed her to do unassisted pull-ups}(
<---does have to deal with resulting tummy bloat, but will do dips, walking lunges, plyo jacks, push-ups, pull-ups and crunches, 1000 reps each... call that All-Day Fiesta:p
<---hopes Jes' appointment with paper gown goes FAST
<---is glad to know Robin's asthma is better
<---hates having to suck on inhaler to get through cardio
<---thinks allergy meds have helped control her asthma
<---wonders if Cathy's sheep was hired by the Serta mattress company:)
<---will surely go to hell just for existing on this planet and using up its resources, especially chickens and fish
<---doesn't matter, is tight with Satan
<---wonders why she bothers reading other threads when this one is the coolest one around, with no shiznit evilicious biznitches

<--Have a cat in my lap<--doesn't like it when I type
<--Am going to do laundry this afternoon (UGH!)...
<--Tells Pinky I'm a shiznity evilicious biznitche...
<--Am kind of grumpy today<--No, not TTOM
<--Thinks maybe kickboxing would help??
<--Was dressed with NO mask on my face when UPS got here yesterday...<--asked what I was waiting for
<--Am SO glad to have Body Blast and Intensity series!!
<--Maybe will do KPC this afternoon...
<--Want to bake<--will resist
Have a Great Day!
<---appreciates everyone trying to make her feel better
<---feels a lot better
<---normally doesn't have to modify
<---has to go back to work x(

Kristine :)
<---swooshes onto co-worker's computer while he is at lunch
<---thinks Nike's swoosh is a noun
<---is sure mine is a verb
<---thinks minestrone sounds good
<---is glad autumn is better
<---gets tired just reading Pinky's All-Day plans
<---wonders where Wendy is
<---hopes jes Dr. visit is over quickly and painlessly
<---has to get back to work again
<---says Tsk!
<--- agrees with Angie that this thread is hysterical and <--- looks forward to it every day.
<--- also agrees with Pinky that this thread is "the coolest one around, with no shiznit evilicious biznitches."
<--- is curious about Jes's new coffee creamer. Sounds like it has a high YUM factor.
<--- is back - had to do a quick sheep check.
<--- warns Robin that a swoosh is a swoosh to the Nike lawyers!
<--- worked out back today and biceps were absolutely useless - thanks to Pinky.
<--- is contemplating a spinning session for this evening.
<--- back from having yummy pizza for lunch
<--- ate the whole slice and now feels like a bloated whale
<--- was informed by lunch companion that people LIKE whales
<--- can't wait to get Gillboy pictures back
<--- wonders what SO and Gillyboo are doing today at home
<--- wishes she was at home too
<--- would really like some chocolate about now
<---would LOVE to have pizza for lunch today instead of scary "Chef's Special"

<---likes whales!

<---never thought she'd say she was proud to be a shiznit evilicious biznitch....but <--- is!!!

<---wishes she could Spin with Rogue because <----misses it so much.

<---needs to go grocery shopping tonight. x(

<--is eagerly awaiting pics of Gilbert and Sophie :)
<--is making a list of things for Angie to get for me from the groceries
<--has been fighting the chocolate cravings
<--admits <-- DID have 10 pieces of M&Ms after lunch (not 3 pringles but 10 M&Ms! LOL)

edited to add
<--okay, it was 11 not 10!:eek: }(
<---says holla..i'm back again
<---wonders if a herd of sheep just went by?
<---also wonders if Cathe was behind them with a dynaband whip?
<---had fantastic w/o - ran, elliptical, then home for ME
<---feels pleasantly fried
<---must feed the boyberama soon then off to the park for a bit
<---making pizza w/ garlic chicken, sundried tomatoes & broccoli for din din --- Yum O!
<---is so ecstatically happy to have the sun back out again

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---wants to cook cow for dinner. }(
<---notices that there are a select few who keep appearing on contraversial threads. :eek:
<---excluded along with present company:+
<---drinks tall glass of milk
<---ate tuna for lunch.
<---d*amn if I don't feel ornery
<---does NOT want to work out
<---knows she must
<---like the lowly pions that eat meat and care about human rights
<---must stop reading threads that aren't about fitness
<---must stop posting on threads not about fitness
<---wishes everyone a good day!


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