<---tappity, tappity, tap


<---loves Debbie's outrageous posts
<---waves good morning to 1st shift
<---sends good wishes to Chicago and Texas get togethers
<---wishes she could meet and greet you guys
<---wonders if Cathe will have another road trip
<---has a workstation without a computer today
<---will have to sneak onto others terminals when their backs are turned
<---will become a stealth Cathe poster
<---has to flee, someone wants to work on this computer
<---pesky,pesky work....
<---hopes Robin is successfully sneaky today!

<---waves to Robin and all the others to come!

<---headed out to teach a class this morn and hopes to check in late afternoon.

<---hoping Cathe has another roadtrip also.

<---is so sad <---can't join the Chicago & Texas gals and wishes them oodles of FUN!

<---needs to get moving. Happy Tuesday all!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<---swooshes in on an unoccupied computer
<---waves good morning back at DebbieH
<---swooshes back out of computer
<--waves hello to Robin
<--tells Robin name of post made <-- smile b/c DH says this when <-- is on forums :)
<--just found out <-- will be adding to her teeny tiny hours at work :)
<--would love it if Cathe has another road trip
<--thinks she'd be around to go if there was one
<--thinks <-- is "<--" - happy today!
<--wishes everyone a happy happy day :)
<---says howdy to Deb, kathy, robin & all my gals to come :)
<---drinking some oh so yummy java
<---will go to the gym & run today
<---wondering if any threads need to be put out of their misery today
<---thinks all my posts are wildly OT -- is there anything else?
<---watching the Higgleytown Heroes w/ Boyberama
<---says regular TV programming, what's that?
<---can't believe October is whooshing by
<---mmmmeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!! was that a sheep?

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---waves hello to everyone, not so wildly today
<---is not feeling too good to day, but doesn't know why
<---had to modify her workout a lot :(
<---wants to go to the next Cathe Road :)
<---can't believe how the whole year is whooshing by
<---is already ready for the weekend
<---always enjoys to come on this thread to "see" her Cathe friends
<---waves good bye for now

Kristine :)
<--- waves to all in this O/T tizzy fest.
<--- laughs at Robin swooshing around.
<--- hopes Cathe has another roadtrip too so <--- can go!
<--- is looking around for a sheep.
<--- should really get some coffee already before <--- actually sees a sheep!
<--- will be back once sheep are gone.
<---waves wildly to all of Catheland
<---just got done with Imax and got thru the whole thing without modifying! :7
<---felt sick the last time <---did it and thought <---was going to pass out x(
<---hopes Robin can get her fly bys in today!
<---sends Kristine hugs and sunshine so she feels better soon! And tells her there's nothing wrong with modifying!!! You did it that's the point! Who cares how it's done! ;-)
<---doesn't have to go to work till 5! YEAH!
<---is getting a cleaning today and hopes the dentist doesn't find any problems since he's <---'s brother and will look at <--- in disdain if he does!
<---wishes everyone getting together an awesome time and wishes <---could go too!:-:)-(
<---is off to take the boys to school and waves TTFN everyone!

<--needs to start working out
<--wonders how <-- will get workout done with all of these sheep running around
<--thinks <--will go now and try to shuffle sheep onto porch
<--notices it is raining
<--doesn't think sheep will like being wet and will be more of a problem if they are wet
<--wonders if sheep might prefer guest bedroom
<--is reallllllllllly procrastinating today :)!!!!
<--just posted back to Robin about Jimmy Buffett in the Orlando thread
<--needs some coffee to get ready for first day back at work
<--will have to go in early to catch up on phone calls
<--probably won't get to check out Cathe boards much today, either
<--wonders what happened on LOST last week
<--will have to watch the recorded LOST before tomorrow
<--found out DH has high cholesterol and is worried
<--needs to research what to do to help him
<--thinks he should start Cathe workouts with me!!:p
<--pretty sure he won't do Cathe, but hopes he'll do something!
<--needs to get that coffee and get in the shower!
<--wishes everyone a fantastic Tuesday!!:7
<---waves good morning to Catheland
<---thinks Robin is funny :)
<---wonders if Westerners count as 1st shift or third
<---managed to sleep past 4:00 but went to bed later than usual eve if she got up at 5:00
<---has large and lovely new Starbuck coffee mug to fix THAT
<---blows kisses and exits for the moment
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---waves good morning to Cathe friends
<---can't wait for another road trip...missed the last one...:(
<---hope Robin doesn't have to swoose all day
<---happy tuesday to you Mama Deb
<---be fun to take one of your classes
<---thinks <--missed a disappearing thread???
<---having 1st cup of java....yum
<---will run today too
<---hopes Kristine feels better
<---hi 5 to Kali completing Imax!!!
<--tivoed LOST last week but not sure <-- watched it?
<---has tivoed way too much...
<---seems to be stuck here too....butt glue again...:)

<---waves good morning to everyone in Catheland
<---thinks Catheland would be an awesome theme park
<---wonders what kind of rides there would be at Catheland
<---thinks sheep are cute and would like to have a pet sheep
<---thinks DH would say no to this idea :p
<---will have to settle for a pony instead ;)
<---is getting super excited about the Chicago get-together! :D
<---did GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps this morning and wasn't able to lift quite as heavy as usual
<---wonders if that was because it's TTOM
<---wonders if anyone else experiences slight strength decreases during TTOM
<---wants a cappuccino :9
<--- hopes those sheep don't get wet because wet sheep smell AWFUL
<--- waves halfheartedly to everyone
<--- gets her Gilbooboy pictures back tonight
<--- tells Emily that she experiences an everything decrease during TTOM
<--- is meeting a friend for lunch today
<--- is tempted to buy a second computer for home
<--- isn't happy with her SO this weekx(
<--- looks around wildly for sheep.
<--- strangely they are MIA.
<--- doesn't smell them either.
<--- tells Emily that everything GOOD decreases and everything BAD increases during TTOM for <---.
<--- is jealous of Bobbi's new STARBUCKS coffee mug!
<--- tells Shelley that sometimes swift kick in arse of SO can work wonders.
<---wishes get wells to Kristine
<---tells Rogue and others it is OK to see sheep, just don't count them
<---say Edie's DH should treat high cholesterol like <---DH-"take a lipator and eat a donut"
<---wonders if animals have cholesterol problems
<---dosen't know when different Cathe shifts begin or end, but always has to catch up the next morning
<---thinks Catheland theme park is a great idea-all the rides are Human powered
<---Holy Margaritaville Batman! Jimmy at Orlando?
<--waves and says "good morning" to all!
<--is feeling good today esp. after doing IMAX2 this morning
<--hope Kristine feels better
<--can't wait till the Texas get together and extends invite to all!;-)
<--wishes <-- could attend the Chicago GTG

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