Tape recommendations?


Has anyone tried Christi Taylor's Hi-Lo Heaven? I'm looking for a very hard non-step tape to use to give my body a break from step.
Any other tapes that might suit my needs?

Does anyone have the Tamilee stretch tapes? Opinions?
Anyone recommend a Denise Austin tape for flexibility?
I'm looking to increase my flexibility. Tape recommendations?

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Karen Voight has a tape called Pure and Simple Stretch (or something very close to that) that I like. I borrow it from the library every now and again. There isn't any cardio warm up to it though. She holds all of the stretches a long time. It is very thorough, including neck stretches where I get really tight. Jeanne
Hi!! Hey, be careful not to do Karen's tape too soon after you get up or too close to bedtime....it will for sure put you right to sleep!! I am sorry, I tried this tape SO MANY times, but man, she is a drone!! I mean, a smile every now and then would not KILL her!! Just not my style. I even have the abs and core essentials tapes she makes and I gotta say they are not much better. I LOVE high energy tapes, and she just does not seem like a high energy instructor. Of course, I do have a hard time "winding down". Type A personality, big time. When I do yoga, I am also looking at my watch trying not to laugh through all the deep breathing. I'm like, "OK. So when can we get out of here???". I try, but to no avail.....
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-02 AT 00:02AM (Est)[/font][p]Has anyone tried Christi Taylor's Hi-Lo Heaven? I'm looking for a very hard non-step tape to use to give my
body a break from step.

Hi/Lo Heaven is one of my favorite workouts. It's Christi and four cute guys (Harold Sanco is one of the background exercisers) and it's a whole bunch of fun...at least the 1st and 3rd sections are...I haven't yet mastered Section 2! It's actually three workouts in one, so you can mix and match according to your needs.

The first section flows nicely with great music, interesting but easy to master choreography (nothing too high impact) and "Christi-clear" cueing. Section three is a fast paced circuit training segment. Two background exercisers show modifications in Sections 1 and 3.

Section 2 features Christi and two of the guys--and no modifications. It has very challenging choreography, and I've abandoned it a couple of times...but haven't yet given up. I figure that if I can master Stage 2 of Step Heaven I can eventually figure out Hi/Lo Heaven!

This tape has more of an athletic feeling to me than most of Christi's other tapes, even when she's layering on all of her turns, flips, and shifts. All in all, it maintains a nice steady intensity throughout and it really keeps you thinking! Just writing about it makes me want to go pull it out and give it a go!
Hi Rhiannon,
Just want to give you my $.02 on those tapes you mentioned.
Christi Hi/Lo Heaven- I haven't tried it, i myself am curious about it, got glowing reviews on VF. check it out if you haven't already.
Tamilee Stretch- I would highly recommend the tapes/dvd but especially the one with the three ten-minute stretches. It's great if you have trouble making the time to stretch. I use it often.
Hello Rhiannon! My name is Rhiannon also it's nice to meet another! Karen Voight has a no step video called strong and smooth moves although it is not too intense it is fun and makes you sweat, she also has a yoga video called ...well I don't remember but it is good and relaxing. And if you are strapped for time she has a video call streamline fitness and it has a half hour of EASY weight and lunges and a half hour of beginner yoga. As you can see I did Karen before I graduated to Cathe!
Yeah, I still love Karen, but Cathe is queen of intensity.

Do you have lots of trouble with your name? I sure do. But I love it(the name)!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-02 AT 12:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Oh yes I get trouble with the name! NO one can pronounce it correctly! My parents named me Rhiannon after hearing the Fleetwood Mac song in 1980, when I was about 12 a lady asked where my name came from and I told her of the song and she was like oh yes that song is about a witch!! I hadnt known what the song was about, never paid attention and neither did my parents but as I got older I studies and found that she was a goddess or something. Do you know any tidbits? Why were you named Rhiannon?
Oh! and yes I LOVE the name!
I was named after the Fleetwood Mac song also. Plus, it was the only girl's name my parents could agree on, and it's pretty.

I heard the witch story and also the goddess/maiden story.
What's so hard about the pronunciation????????
Does anyone call Shannon, Shonnon?

Glad to know you!
For some reason people can't sound the name out. They will call me Reann or Rianne, I don't know why...dosen't seem that hard to me!?! If you were named after the song....(may I ask) how old are you?
In the hospital after my mom had me the nurses were like oh my she'll hate that name when she gets older. But I love it, having a different name is great! It's nice to know you also!
The best way I can spell it out so that people can understand is this Ree-ann-nun Rhiannon! Fleetwood Mac came out with a song entitled Rhiannon in the 1980's. That's where most people with the name came to have it!
Oh, sure. I get it now. It is like the name Shannon only with a Ree Ann instead of a Shan. I think it is a nice name. Rhiannon. Yea, I like it. And now that I know how to say it, I want to say it sound just like it is spelled! ("I"'s can sound like "E"'s in many languages.) Its easy to say. Don't listen to any other people.

Of course, this is coming from someone with the last name "Goycoolea". And it sounds just like it is spelled! ("E"'s can sound like "A"'s in my languages!! ha ha ha)

Thanks for the explanation. Count me as one who was pronouncing it wrong when I would read it! I pronounced it with the accent on the "non". (Ree-a-non~Kind of rhyming with al-anon as in alcohlics anonymous!!! :-wow Boy, did I have it wrong.) Very pretty name now that I can pronounce it right! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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