tank top rotation

I would like to try the tank top rotation since I have heard so many good things about it. However, I do not have the PS series. I have several total body workouts (MM, ME, PH, MIS) and Upper Body Pyramid. Do you think I could substitute with the Upper Body Pyrmaid and/or the upper body parts from the total body workouts?

Janey B
Sure you can definitely substitute!! The premise behind the TTR is working back/chest twice a week and shoulders/bi's/tri's three times a week. I'm doing the TTR for the next 3 months but using a different set of videos each month. I think as long as you include one tough upper body workout, such as PUB, and a good total body workout such as Muscle Max for instance and then you can pick and choose the sh/bi/tri sections you'll be fine.

My current rotation...

-leg routine of choice
-CTX Sh/Bi/Tri + short cardio
-kickboxing + leg drills
-Muscle Max

I alternate Muscle Max with a circuit workout like Cardio&Weights every other week to get in a little more cardio. Next month I'll be using PS in place of PUB, P90x Shoulders and Arms in place of CTX and PH or ME in place of MMax.

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