RE: Ahhhhh, my fave
Hi, Fitnutty! (Love the screen name.)
Yes, you CAN work to the point where you can get through all the intervals with no modifications. When I got I-Max (my first Cathe tape) a little over a year ago, I couldn't get thru the major intervals without modifications for about two full weeks doing it 2X per week. That made me so angry at myself I thought, "Man, if it kills me I'm gonna get thru these!" The first time I did it with no mods, I walked around like I'd tinkled myself for about half an hour afterward, but I went on an energy rush like you wouldn't believe.
I would always do about 10 minutes of weighted squat and lunge work immediately after the I-Max tape, and was able also to progressively increase those weight loads too. I believe that helped me with I-Max.
I was able over time to get to the point where I am now, where I can do 8 to 16 reps more of each interval, including the toughies (#2, #4, #5, #6, #8 and The Doom Interval #10), as well as increase the intensity of the recovery intervals by doing rear and side leg lifts rather than walking and floor stepping.
DO IT CONSISTENTLY 2X PER WEEK, AND KEEP UP WITH YOUR PROGRESSIVE LEG STRENGTHENING. Make it an absolute goal to do a little bit more each time you do the workout, be it one more plyo jack, one more "power-scissor" plyo lunge, etc. (The power scissors are really worth the effort!) The workout really delivers the way Cathe introduces it: as you get stronger and stronger you will be able to go longer and longer through this and onther workouts.
By the way, I hit The Big Four-Oh this past July. And I'm a recovering deconditioned klutz. If I can do it, anyone can!
Go for it!