Talk about DOMS


I am sitting here, over 24 hours after doing S&H Legs and Shoulders and just now starting to feel my glutes get sore. Usually if I'm going to be sore, I actually start feeling a little stiffness the same evening. I felt nothing yesterday evening or this morning. I did my cardio workout this morning and while sitting here eating lunch, I noticed that my glutes are sore. I don't think it has ever taken me over 24 hours to get sore from a workout.
Strangly enough I got serious DOMS in my upper back, stomach after doing 10-10-10-10 last week (of course I worked out when still sick and should be beaten for this behavior). I had done this workout because I thought it would be easy. I didn't feel it for 24 hours either.
I sometimes am the most sore 2 days after a workout.

I remember after the first time I did PUB, I was constantly massaging my biceps the next day because they were SO SORE!
I usually begin feeling soreness the same evening as my workout, also, but when I do a brand new workout, it usually takes me a couple of days. I remember the first time I did The Pure Strength lower body tape, I worked HARD, and I felt like I could workout another two hours... But, exactly two morning later, I hurt so badly, I couldn't workout for several days! I think this delay happens when I lift very heavy only, too. I don't think I've ever noticed it for my lighter workouts.

My theory on this (not based in any scientific fact) is that when I get sore the next day, its a healthy sore. When I get sore on the second day after the workout, its always a lot worse, and it makes me think I might have overdone it a bit. I don't know if anyone knows what causes the delay, but would love to hear their answer on this.
From what I've read, typical DOMS peaks about 36 hours after the workout that causes it. And from my experience I believe it is always worse when you do something different from your normal or accustomed routine. Good luck.
I think, too, that at least I tend to be less sore if I'm more active (walking or just being active in normal activities) the next day, rather than being more sedentary and sitting a lot. I think the movement helps clear things out of the system faster.
I agree Kathryn. I know a lot of times I can be sore from the day before and by the time my workout is over for the day after I'm not sore anymore. By the way, the DOMS I was feeling from my workout over 24 hours ago didn't last very long. It actually only lasted through the afternoon. I actually don't feel anything now.
Same here on the activity: if I do some walking or biking the same day, I don't get too sore. Funny enough, I rarely get sore from slow and heavy, maybe because of all the resting and stretching. I seem to get the most sore from repetitive motion-type activities, like any of cathe's endurance workouts!

hmmm...although I'm saying that, I did do slow and heavy chest and back this morning, and the backs of my arms are already sore from the pullovers...

It usually hits me the next morning after a tough workout. When I first get out of bed is the worst. I did PLB last night and my hamstrings were talking to me this morning!

I find yoga helps me work out the soreness.

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