Taking control back!


I have been trying to lose about 10-30 lbs for a few years now but really seriously since Jan. Its been 7 months and I havent lost anything despite (or more likely because!) trying a million different things. I can't seem to stick to one thing! I was thinking about why this was and it occurred to me that I am a healthy, intelligent 36 year old woman. I should have licked this problem a LONG time ago. I know what to do, I'm just allowing my food issues to control what I do day in and day out. Why should a smart woman like myself be ruled by food? When it comes right down to it, that's just plain stupid! I need to take control back and get this under control before the year is out! I can lose this weight by the end of the year with a little effort on my part. I don't want to be on my death bed thinking about how I wasted my life dieting on the other hand I also don't want to lay there thinking how I wasted my life not reaching an important goal because I couldnt resist a donut or two at work!

so as of today, I recommitt to Weight Watchers (which I joined Sun and have already cheated on twice this week). I will be doing Cathe's fat loss rotations back to back until the weight is lost.

Anyone else think about this stuff?
I am so there with you. Working out is not my issue, eating mindless junk is. I know what to eat, how much, etc. but I'm not really doing anything about it! I would also lose about 10-20 pounds and hope to lose something before the year is out. Fortunately, working out is not an issue; I do that faithfully every day (usually with Cathe).

I don't really have any words of advice, just good luck with it!:)
If you want to boil it down to the simplest terms, no self-respecting salad tastes as good as a Twinkie. Let's be truly honest! Junk is just SO good, that it's really, really hard to give it up, or even cut way, way back on it. I think it comes down to getting your priorities straight - how badly do you want the Twinkie compared to how badly do you want to lose those 10-30 lbs.? Hopefully you can commit to a plan that will allow the occasional Twinkie, BUT you must be content with that and not feel cheated or deprived. It all comes down to choices, and it's all up to you, no matter what your genetics, environment at home or at work, etc. At the end of the day, you and only you have control of your food "issues."

Don't know if that was helpful or not, but I guess I just didn't want to sugar-coat it, (no pun intended!) but still hold out some hope.
Just Do It! :)
I hope you can keep the comitement and really meet your goals. Someone told me when I was trying to clean up my eating, "that nothing tastes as good as being thin and heathly feels." Kinda puts things back into perspective for me sometimes and helps me to focus on the bigger picture instead of the present temptation. Good luck and I wish you the best with your focus and dedication.
I am SOOOOO with you guys on this one. I have about 50 pounds to lose (ideally for my own personally choice). I am on Weight Watchers, too, and have lost 5 pounds so far. I have a ways to go, but at least we are in this together.

Which fat loss rotation are you going to start with?

Cbelle, I just wanted to say to you ,your in the right place . Lots of support here . Your letter reminded me of me ,so I thought I would tell you how I started my journey ,And I have lost 50 pounds. I started with" DR Phils Wieght Loss Challange " Book ! Go Get it .Unbelievable book . Its well worth it .I too was ruled by food ... No longer ...Yippee so go get the Book ..Just my idea to get you stared , its full of info !! Good luck and KEEP COMING HERE :) :) :) :) Hugs to you
What I did for the rotation is take all 5 of Cathe's fat loss rotations and boil them down to their basic kind of workouts....so instead of StepBlast on Mon I just put CArdio on Mon. Instead of MIS on Tues I put Full Body weights. That kidn of thing. That way I have a little more control over the rotation based on how I might feel that day. I start tomorrow!!!
Cbelle-THANKS for being honest with yourself and with us (in public). You are NOT alone, and I hope you know that. I am also a WW member, since April 2004. I originally joined WW to help me lose the weight that I packed on thru stress eating during DH's diagnosis and battle with leukemia. Losing the weight was EASY, compared to KEEPING IT OFF.

Long story short, DH passed away in September when I was at my lowest weight. I have been 'playing' with the WW program ever since, pretending what I was doing was the REAL program. NOT NOT NOT!!! This morning, while making breakfast for my boys, I had an inner struggle of whether to eat right or blow off the next few days to "start fresh Monday, August 1". I fought myself for over an hour before I finally decided I needed to do this TODAY for ME. So, I went to weigh-in, first one in over a month, and recommitted today!

Hang in there...you are NOT ALONE!

Thanks everyone for such kind words and encouragement! I'm hoping I can keep this level of commitment for as long as I need it! That's the problem really. AFter a few days, the enthusiasm levels off. We can do it ladies!!!

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