Tae Bo Cardio


To any Tae Bo fans, which Tae Bo gives you the biggest cardio challenge? And do any of them come close to Cathe's workouts?
I think you have the most intense TaeBo cardio in Get Ripped Adv 1 & 2. I am an advanced exerciser and I think these are very intense workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish Turbo Kick junkie
I'm a billy blanks fanatic, so I'm pretty biased.
My votes for his best ones: Get ripped Advanced workout 1; ultimate lower body; and most of the early live ones. I found his newer ones (including flex, cardio, boot camp, boot camp elite, cardio circuit I and II) weren't that hard or as much fun. IMO, his Ultimate Lower Body is harder than KPC because there's no let up in the kicking. At the end he has you hold a low "horse stance" for 2 full minutes after you've been doing front kicks, side kicks, round house kicks, back kicks, machine gun round house kicks, lunges to front kicks, squats to side kicks, crescent kicks etc. for 45 minutes with very short recovery periods. (I'm waiting to see what his newest 90 minute one is like. I have my fingers crossed that its a goodie.)
Videofitness.com has very good descriptions of his early workouts which then I bought used from Amazon re-sellers. I have #2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,9 and 12 and love them all. Some have no floorwork, some have a lot. I think all of his live ones are harder than the Kickmax combos, but easier than the blast section which has very few kickboxing drills in it. HTH

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
The Advanced Get Ripped Series is the best. His newer stuff doesn't come close to the intensity of the Get Ripped series.
I'm gonna try this. I love his workouts, they rate excellent with me.





It's just "Ultimate Tae Bo", but you have to look for it in the Amped series.

IMO, it's good, but there is a part at the end of the first hour, where they goof around a bit, and things get slow for about 10 minutes. So if you're looking to keep your heartrate up for a straight 90 minutes, it won't happen.
There's a break before they get into the last 30.

Get Ripped I and II are the best he's done. From there, head to the Advanced Live series - it's only available on VHS via eBay at this point.
You can also buy them used from various sellers on Amazon and not have to deal with ebay anxiety! All payments go through Amazon. The seller never sees your credit card number. I've purchased over a dozen items (included taebo vhs tapes) from various sellers on Amazon and never had a problem. Great prices too!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
The only ones I think are advanced enough are the Live Series (Vol. 1-12) which (I believe) are only available on VHS and the Get Ripped Advanced I and II. The rest are just not as advanced (in my opinion). As a matter of fact, I did Tae Bo Live Vol 2 this morning -- it was a great workout!
Ultimate Tae Bo, even though it is 90 minutes, still does not compare to Get Ripped Advanced 1&2 or the old Live Advanced videos when it comes to intensity. I thought that it was just okay. If you're looking for a good butt kicking Tae Bo cardio workout, go for the older workouts.

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