Tae Bo Amped?


Well until Cathe comes out with that boxing series, I am forced to consider Billy Blanks' new series. Has anyone tried it? Looks like it is more advanced than he has done in last few years. I dropped him after the Advanced Live Series, when he started to make less challenging.

I would love to hear from anyone who has tried Amped if these are worth the $$$. Billy is such a studmuffin (over 50! can u believe it?), great energy. Wouldn't mind welcoming him back to my screen.


Fit Over 40
There is a post on this about 2-3 pages back. I personally am not thrilled. He moves way to fast to do the moves with that amplifier. I also felt that it works mainly the upper body. I probly will be sending mine back and sticking with the get ripped series.
I bought the deluxe set and just ordered the other additional 3 pack on the site that has the solid 60-90 min cardio one in it....but didn't get it yet.

Re; the set - if you're looking for something comparable to Get Ripped or Tae Bo live - this is not it. I think it is slightly better than his older stuff, but none of the basic set workouts are solid cardio....they all used the Amped bar and have strength sections with cardio sections. When I do them, I usually jog during the weight segments or toe tap, etc. to keep my HR up. I double time some of the slower moves and begin some moves while he's explaining and I'm able to get a good workout.

I haven't done a Tae Bo Live or Get Ripped in a while, but if my memory serves me correctly, Get Ripped worked the heck out of my legs with all of those lunge like moves and Live (from what I recall -- although I'm in a lot better shape today) was pretty difficult. I'd say Amped can be modified up to be a good workout..........at least that's what I do. I so enjoy Billy and need variety in my routine.

I'll have to report back on the additional set I have coming -- as I hear the one cardio in it is supposed to be good.
I've been loyal to TaeBo for 5 years now, and I have say that I'm not that trilled with this set either. I've done two of the workouts now, and came away quite sore from both. But not the good kind of sore, the "potential injury" kind of sore.

Like noted above, I feel that Billy goes to fast for some of the moves with the amplifier. I personally felt that the cardio was the best in Full Throttle, where I actually had to stop a couple of times. But I'm struggling with form on the amplifier, and I think that may be a large part of the reason.

The instructors have said that the key is to loosely hang on to the bar, and to let your core do most of the work. And it's definintely worked my abs, for sure.

I'll continue to have at it for another few weeks or so, becasue I suspect that maybe I just don't like the change. But at this rate, I don't see this one staying in my current rotation.
I agree that some of the Amped moves feel unsafe. When that happens, I drop the bar and carry on without it. However, today, I noticed I had a bit more control with the bar on some of the Amped moves.....so we'll see.
I love Billy but why oh why can't he make more like the get ripped series. I don't buy him anymore because they are usually too easy. I still use the Get Ripped ones though. I was really hoping this new one would have rave reviews from all here!
Like Mel, I am a Tae-bo fan. I love Billy and the workouts are effective and fun. I received my Amped 5 pk. a couple of weeks ago, and while I like the Amplifier and do feel it work my abs and upper body, I find that caution is tossed aside sometimes for the sake of amping up! I like speed and all, but when you are working with a tool such as an amplifier in your hands, I don't think it's wise to move at such speed. I agree with Lora, as you do the workouts, your technique improves. I modify when needed, and I move as fast as is comfortable for me, not at the Amped speed Billy & Crew move at.


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