Tae Bo Amped and Get Celebrity Fit clips at collagevideo.com


I just wanted to let you all know that the clips for Tae Bo Amped and the Tae Bo Get Celebrity Fit videos are now up at Collage Video. I know there was talk about these new DVD's so I thought I'd let those of you who are interested in these that the clips are now up.
I don't think I'm impressed, how about you guys?

I like Billy enough, I think, but they just don't seem advanced enough for me. I'll stick to Cathe & Powerstrike for kickboxing!
The Celebrity Fit dvd looks a little too intermediate for my tastes too but the Tae Bo Amped Deluxe looks killer. I think I might have to give in and fork over my $$!!!!
I have ordered all of the amped series simply because I am a Tae-bo - Billy Blanks fan, but I have to agree, I was a bit disappointed when I previewed the Celebrity clips on Collage. First of all, I thought the title was a little decieving, as I didn't see any celebrities in the video, but then again, it is a short clip. As far as the Amped workouts go, they seemed to be strength based. You did get cardio, simply because they amp the speed quite a bit, and the 3 lb. bar does add some intensity. I didn't really care too much for the workouts when I first previewed, but after having done a couple, and seeing an improvement in my abs, I've come to change my mind. I just make sure I don't rely on them for my cardio, and people in the Billy Blanks club think I'm a little crazy, because I'm one of the few ones who will do 2 amped workouts back to back. Partly because I need more intensity and party because I'm used to Cathe's longer workouts.

I think I'm gonna break down and buy the amped. I need some new Billy and I liked the clips. The celebrity one did look too easy. Back to back? How long are they. I take it they are not Cathe long?
Well, I'm tempted -- even though I'm an intensity junkie! I really like the look of the moves with the bar.

I'm disappointed that College doesn't carry the Ultimate workout and the two others that come with this on the Tae Bo website.

Can someone who has done this workouts comment on the intensity -- and please comment on which are the most advanced of the workouts? thanks.
RE: Tae Bo Amped and Get Celebrity Fit clips at collage...


Here's what I can tell you. I've done all the workouts in the Deluxe package. There are 4 workouts in that package.
(1) Jump Start Cardio - is a basic type workout, but good for getting familiar with working the Amplifier. It is a pretty good workout, if you put intensity into it, but moves at a little slower pace. (It runs 41 min.)

(2)Fat Burn Accelerator. It is cardio and strength based. You do 4 about 4 sets at amped speed. (It is about 52 Min.)

(3) Full Throttle - Similar to Fat Burn, but you do about 8 reps at amped speed. You definetely feel the burn. (55 Min.)

(4) Core Express - This one is great for strengthening and sculpting your abs. Not very intense, but the amplifier gets in their.
within the same DVD, you get Live in LA. That's a pretty good workout filmed live. (I think it's about 45-50 Mins.)

Rockin Abs & Buns is another set of Amped workouts. I ordered them, but haven't received them, but most people who have done them say they are great workouts.

There is also another set of 3 workouts - called "amped Multi-Pack". I really like these. These include:

(1) Sculpt Express - gives you a whole strength workout with some cardio. Even though the bar is only 3 lbs. I did feel the burn, and it was a fun workout.

(2) Turbo Charge Fat Burner - I actually did this one together with Sculpt Express, because it's a shorter workout, about 30 mins. I love this workout. It's a full body workout.

(3) Ultimate (this one is a 90 minute workout). I am doing this one tomorrow. This one is done without the amplifier. I will let you know how I like it after I do it.

The Celebrity ones I pre-ordered from Amazon, and will write about them once they arrive and I do them.

Hope this helps. All but the Celebrity Fit workouts are available at the Billy Blanks store. You can sign up for a 30 day free trial and get a 10% discount. I'm not promoting it, just letting those who'd like to save a few bucks know. The club is $9.95 a month, so many people only do the 30 day free trial.

RE: Tae Bo Amped and Get Celebrity Fit clips at collage...

Thank you, Iris, that is very helpful -- and I am still tempted!
RE: Tae Bo Amped and Get Celebrity Fit clips at collage...

I have all of them also like Iris. I have not yet gotten my Amazon preorder yet either. My favorite's - so far (have done parts or all of all of them except the Rockin' Buns and Abs ones) are Turbo Charged Fat Burner and Core Express. I also think they'd be great together.

I think their may be a slight learning curve to these cuz of the bar. The other day, I read someone say that they preferred all of the workouts with weighted gloves versus the Amped bar, so I tried that and didn't like them as much. I think the bar takes some getting used to because last time I did one, I really got into using the bar more and my HR seemed to increase. I also add a lot of my own intensity to these. I have double timed slower moves, toe tapped during the weighted segments, and last time I did it, I did it on my rebounder and it really jacked my HR up and was fun. The rebounder is always good for kickboxing. You can really add a lot of intensity bouncing down into the rebounder while doing punches, etc.
RE: Tae Bo Amped and Get Celebrity Fit clips at collage...


Those are some great suggestions. Thank you. I've never done kickboxing on a rebounder, so I'll be sure to try that soon. Your right the amplifier does take some getting used to, but I notice that even the 1 - 2 punch really works my abs. When I really focus on doing the moves properly, I get a more intense workout. I haven't tried doing them with weighted gloves, but when I did the Cardio Sculpt one, I did substitute a 3 lb. weight on at least one of the exercises. The one where you work your wrist. It was just awkward to use the amplifier with one hand moving at amped speeds. Slower is fine, but amped was just a little much for my wrist. I am enjoying those workouts.

Not sure if I can post this year, but if I can't, I will delete it.

I am about to send my pkg back. It is the pre-order pkg. It came with 2 bars, and all the videos Iris mentioned. I would much rather someone here purchase it cheaper than they could through the site than for me to just send it back.

If interested, email me.
[email protected]

I did the Tae-bo Ultimate workout that comes in the Multipack today. Loved it. It's a 90 minute workout but not intense all the way through. Even at 60 minutes the workout would have been good in my opinion.
I have done the Rockin- Abs workout. I did it last night and it was very good. I really felt it in my core. Like I have said before about the amplifier moves, though, I have to move slower on some fo the amped up moves. It didin't seem like I had to do that as much as I had to with Full Throttle.

The abs workout did seem to pull on my neck more during the floor exercises. My neck can handle alot of stress, but I could see it really hurting if I didn't take it easier.

My over all opinion of these workouts is that they really are great, especially for the core and the arms. I am going to try to do the Rockin- buns (not quite sure if that is the name if it).


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