I still feel them in my shoulders and not the chest. O.K. I have never been a push up person. I always fast forward through them. Who needs 'em, right? Apparently, ME!
I was doing STS disc 1 today and Cathe offered the modification of knees or tabletop postion for push ups. Wow, I thought, you mean there's an even easier way of doing them outside of dropping to your knees? Where have I been???? So tabletop it was but I barely felt them in my chest. My shoulders and upper arms were bearing the brunt of them. I'm guessing it's because my upper body is not that strong and they will become easier as I strengthen these areas. Would this be correct? I never thought I'd care if I EVER did a standard push up before but maybe.......just maybe.......um, never mind, forget that thought. Yikes, I almost lost myself there for a minute! 