Table 12 Checkin 8/13/07


Hello fellow Table 12 members. Hope all of you had a safe and uneventful trip home. Wish I could say the same. I didn't get a flight home last night and hope to be on one in a few hours this morning. There were several flights cancelled on Sunday. What a pain. Glad that it happened going home and not on the way to the road trip. I'd be totally stressed. Hope all of you had as much fun as I did getting to know each of you.

Hey, Jean! I hope you're in the air as I type this! Let me know when you get home safely (either by posting or calling me).

On my way home yesterday, I stopped at the grocery store for some clean eats. Every single person I saw in the store was a Road Tripper! LOL Every customer looked like somebody on the RT. Isn't that funny? Then in one aisle, a lady stopped me and asked if I was Gayle. LOL It was like de ja vu all over again. (turned out to be somebody I graduated school with).

Onward and forward. I've got a fire lit under my butt from this past weekend! Today marks a new start. A step up. And I'm excited! I used the RT to clear my head of my recent break up from my fiance, and it really helped!

This morning I got up a bit early and hit the basement. I was up in the air last night on what workout to do, so I decided to wait to see how I felt this morning. I was tight and a bit sore, so I chose Rodney Yee's Power Yoga Total Body. Felt AWESOME! It always surprises me when I sweat during this yoga workout.

HOW ARE YOU FINE LADIES? Lorrie? Pennie? Cheryl? Belinda? Alesia? Amy? Jean????????

I MISS YOU LADIES! Thanks for the laughs, memories, laughs, motivation, laughs, laughs and MORE LAUGHS!!!!

Hey gals, I'm here!!

Wasn't it a blast? I am still coming down from my high. Luckily, DH was quite interested and I shared all of your pictures with him.

Gayle, I know what you mean about having a fire re-lit under my butt big time! I am tight and a bit sore also, but I'm determined to get in a cardio workout this morning. I'm thinking MIC, at least part of it, out of the DVD case I had Cathe sign for me :)

Jean, I pray you are safely in flight by now!

Amy, I know you're partying hard with DH in Philly. you go girl! I couldn't have had a better roommate!

Belinda, Alesia, I hope you are enjoying your Philly vacation day!

Lorrie, girl, you absolutely rock my world!

Pennie, you are amazing - I hope you are safely back home and enjoying that beautiful grandbaby again. I can't tell you how much you inspired me.

Have a great day, girls!

I'm home now. Nothing like seeing 4 different airports in one day. Sometimes, you just gotta do creative routing to find a way home. Thank goodness American Airlines has lots of cities to fly out of. I hope all the others effected by the cancelations found routes home. I'm too tired to sleep, so I'm going to try and work. Makes sense right? I will probably have to take a nap at lunch. Thanks again for all the fun and laughs. What a great group of women to share this experience with.


Hey Jean - I am sooo happy to see that you made it home ok! Thanks for hanging with me at the airport yesterday - I enjoyed our time together sooo much. My flight home went by fast because I fell asleep - FINALLY - I fell asleep!

Hi Gayle - Thank you so much for the ride to the airport yesterday - you are such a sweet girl! How wonderful that the RT has helped you clear your head and get more focused on your workouts! I can feel your excitement - YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Hi Cheryl! Thanks so much for saying I inspired you! That brought tears to my eyes and soooo made my day! I won't see Scarlett until September 1st but Jacci sends me pictures almost daily!

Hey Amy - have a blast with your husband in Philly - I hope he enjoys his philly sandwich - I wish I would have had one! Check in when you get a chance and let us know what you two are up to.

Belinda and Alicia - I hope you are having a memorable day in Philly Try not to fight too much ok? And Alicia - quit stealing your mom's shoes! LOL! You two are so cute!

Lorrie - I will be cheering you on this coming weekend! I can't even put into words how excited I am for you! Let us know how you are doing this week with your training.

Hi Tess! Shout out back to ya! You rock too!

Have a great day girls! I didn't workout today because I have to catch up on chores and do a bunch of running around! It is going to be 102 degrees here today! I'll check back in later.

You are all so wonderful and I feel truly, truly blessed to know you!
I will cherish this weekend in my heart forever! HUGS to you all and did I mention - I MISS YOU GUYS!

Hey gang!!

Weather here in Philly is GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely NO humidity and it's a blessing!

Dave and I are having a good time so far....although he had a rough trip yesterday. His flights were fine, but he shuttle driver was a maniac and rear-ended someone on the highway!!! He then kept telling people that the other driver stopped up short, but everyone in the shuttle had seen that the car had been stopped quite a while due to traffic. Dave said that the driver was digging in his money envelope on his lap when he hit the other car! We called the company to complain about his negligence and the manager is giving both of us a free ride to the airport Wednesday!!! See, sometimes it pays to complain!

Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing great! I totally had my "fire" re-kindled over the weekend and didn't realize just how much I had needed this trip!

Thanks for making this last weekend a "once-in-a-lifetime" event and one is which I will NEVER forget!!!!

I will let y'all know when I get home, but it may only be able to be a short and sweet note.....there's a hurricane brewing down there. Keep us in your prayers!

Love ya!:*
WOW, Amy - can't believe the drama in Dave's shuttle ride - but glad it had a happy ending.

Good luck surviving the hurricane!!!

I didn't see any Table 12 checkin for today, so I guess this is it!

How is everyone this morning?

I enjoyed all the pix everyone posted last night... including the two You Tube clips from the classes -- showed some to DH -

This morning was a 60 min. run plus the bonus sections of B&G for 25 minutes. Unlike HeatherB, I did NOT lose 3 pounds on the RT... now I'm facing the music. x(

Time to get serious again.

I hope everyone's having a great Tuesday!
Hey Cheryl! I'm not even facing the scale! LOL I know I didn't lose either!

Do you guys want to do a Table 12 check-in every day??? I don't mind it at all!

Yesterday's Power Yoga was the ticket for the day after the RT! It felt really good to stretch it out and take it easy. But today I kicked it back up again with GS Legs & GS Shoulders. Tomorrow is cardio, and I'm going to dig out an older Cathe step tape...her step class on Saturday really showed me HOW MUCH I LOVE STEP! lol

OK.....I'm busy making tomato dishes here, lol, with all these tomatoes from my garden! TONS of them! LOL

Hi T-12 ladies. I didn't even know there was this checkin until Pennie clued me in. How fun are you all?!

Glad we're all back home for the most part (Amy - also hope that brewing hurricane doesn't bother you) - it was tough getting there huh? Jean glad you finally got there - Amy - your DH's events sound awful. Free return trip was the least they could do.

Gayle I'm with you on not checking that scale. I ate more food this weekend than I usually do - I know we worked hard, but I feel it now. Cheryl - kudos to you for your run today!

I need to get that clean eating concept into effect again. Hey Pennie - you know you said that when you really made a concerted effort to clean up your eating you worked to identify your triggers? Well, once you identified them, how did you stay away from them? That's where I need the help. (BTW - speaking of unclean food, stay away - far away - no RUN AWAY from the bleu cheese parmesan potato chips at Ruby Tuesday - OMG are they good! }()

Have we heard anything from Belinda and Alicia? Hope the Rocky steps were fun for them.

I did in fact get in DM yesterday. Toaday I hit it hard with a 4-mile walk this morning, BMax2 (no UB), Fluidity seat and thigh, GS back and shoulders, and concluded with a 5-mile walk with my training buddies. I'm tired.

I'm glad I know about this check-in now and have to reiterate how much fun I had with ALL OF YOU last weekend. You ladies ROCK! (How about it - Grand Canyon hike as the offical T-12 next endeavor?)

Take care all!


3 days, 60 miles, 1 cure. Check out my webpage:
Hey girls - yes I think we should checkin everyday! That would be so fun!

Amy - so glad to hear your having fun. I'll be praying you and your DH arrive home safely and that the hurricane stays away!

Great workout Cheryl! I enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures too and the videos were cool. My DH showed me how to use the video option on my new camera but I was so excited at the RT and totally forgot to take any!

Hey Gayle - great workout today and have fun with step tomorrow. What kind of tomato dishes are you making? I'm still so excited for you about the new job! You will have to keep us updated with all the details. When is your first day?

Lorrie - OH MY GOSH! Your picture on the blog is so great! I am so happy for you!! How awesome! Remember when I said drinking a glass of wine is a trigger for me because having one glass of wine would lead to another glass or eating more after dinner? The way I stay away from that is just remembering my goals and how hard I have worked and just grab a bottle of water instead and go focus on something else. I have many ideas and recipes about clean eating and would be glad to share them with you anytime.

I hope Alicia and Belinda see this checkin when they get home and join us.

I worked today so I need to go do S&H chest RIGHT NOW! Talk to you all tomorrow!

Miss ya, Pennie
First off...I LOVE the name "T-12", Lorrie! LOL

Second...WHAT A WORKOUT, Lorrie! YIKES! I believe there is a TAPER in the next few days leading up to Friday's big event, right??? REST UP, GIRL!

Third.....We'll plan on having this check in everyday...anybody start it when you get here! triggers. That's exactly what I'm focussing on right now. The one thing I've realized over this past weekend, is that my workouts are NOT the's all in my eating. SO...triggers it is. I know that just one BLT (bite, lick or taste) leads to a gradual increase in my consumption of that food (specifically, anything sweet), so I don't even take that first BLT. I also know that TOM plays a huge role in my every-3-week cravings, so I'm marking my calendar w/ TOM info and watching it every month so I can be prepared when those cravings hit! I also know that every 7-8 weeks, I get overwhelmed simply by running this household and raising these kids alone. So...when I feel those moody blues creeping in, I'm planning on treating myself to something nice an relaxing....maybe another pedi (I may become addicted, lol) or a new bra (which I'm too cheap to buy often, lol).

Fifth...Pennie & Lorrie. I bought dry roasted edemame (sp?) this afternoon and LOVE IT! I bought the lightly salted and the wasabi varieties. LOVE THEM BOTH, although I have to eat the wasabi very slowly, cuz the heat went right to my nose and my eyes teared for 10 minutes! LOL THANKS for turning me onto it! Any other good clean food suggestions?

Finally....I AM SOOOOOOOOOO IN for the idea of the Grand Canyon hike in 2008. Besides me and Lorrie...would anybody else be interested??? I'm going to get more info and dates and stuff from the Leukemia Society so we have concrete details for the future!

See you all tomorrow!

T-12 checkin - I love it! I'm in!

I've run the grand canyon 3 times, but swore I'd never do it again except as a hike, not a run. That was an experience that took a good month to fully recover from. Very, very fun though. I'm up to consider the possibility - and with you gals, it would truly be an experience.

Gayle, I'm with you all the way on exercise not being my problem. In fact, exercise has given me muscles enough to "disguise" a bit the aversion I'd otherwise feel to 10 or so extra pounds. Yuck!

I need to turn this trend around fast. And yes, the triggers are sweet things - ice cream, dark chocolate, etc. Plain ol' candy isn't affecting me, but the favorites get me every time!!!

Pennie, have fun with that S&H Chest workout!

Lorrie - did you notice you make Cathe's blog??? Omigosh, girl, you're famous! And you looked so cute!

Have a great night, everyone!

Amy, I hope you're making it home safely tomorrow to decent weather!

Hello my fellow Table 12ers~ my mother and I finally made it home...shockingly we made it threw philly without one fight...however the day did not come to an end without the ghetto, a few crackheads, and really bad service at lunch. We definitly expierenced philly's finest. Ladies, my mom decided it would be a wonderfull idea to take the BUS to downtown philly...being the adventurous person that I am I agreed...and we BOTH regreted it...however, once we got downtown we had a lot of fun..besides having horrible service at lunch. Now, I know you are wondering did she do it? Yes I did...i got to run up my rocky steps...i have to admit though I only went half way and video taped it from there...i was really full from lunch :) shhhhh dont tell. I'll post some pics of me and my mom soon.
Ok I just wanted to say hello to everyone and tell you how much being at the roadtrip with you all made such and impression on me and my mommy. You guys are great! And we are definitly in for the Grand Canyon....even if my mom has to fly halfway across the world to get there...she is coming...Talk to you soon

(disregard my spelling it's summer time)
Hi fellow table 12!

We got home really late last night, I was too tired to post. We never should have taken the bus to Philly. I wasn't nervous once on the RT, but the bus ride I was scared. We drove trough a really bad neighborehood, I thought you only see in movies. Also, the people that got on the bus horrified me. I actually hid my wedding ring, and turned my purse around so no-one could see it. But once we got to Philly we had a lot of fun. I made sure we didn't stay to late! We took a taxi back to NJ. I didn't care about the money at that point. The bus ride was $3.50 a person and the taxi was $39.00. There was no way I would take the bus back to NJ in the dark. What was I thinking??:+ I had the time of my life on the RT! You guys are truly the most amazing people I ever met. You guys rock!
Gayle, a big thank you for everything! Hope you all can visit me in Germany lots of space:D


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