

why am i up sooooooo early? i have no idea! i think it's a mixture of eing excited about my trip and i got af yesterday and am having pretty significant cramps. good thing she only stays three days, so i should be done with "her" by tomorrow. ugh! what a pain! if i can't fall back asleep, i might go and workout as that usually seems to help.

let me go read yesterday's thread and try and catch up...
wt-i already told dean to bring his carry on suitcase in case i needed to take anything out of mine if it's over 50 lbs. i think 50 lbs. is kind of unreasonable, especially when you're going away for an extended period of time. the airlines are really getting cranky and the extra charges are insane! i had to pay $15 extra just to pick my seat! crazy!!! btw...ITA about kathie lee gifford. now, if it was kathy griffin on there...i woud lmao!!! she is HILARIOUS!!!

christine-lol about jimmy helping carry things out. while mine would bark and bark if someone was trying to come in, half of them would run scared and linus and baloo would want to play with them!!!

shelly-yes, since my last time traveling (last summer) compared to this past time, airport travel has gotten very unpleasant. i even told dean i'd rather drive (and i HATE to drive) if it's a manageable distance than fly from now on. anything to avoid all that airport crap!

carole-i am going to aruba with dean. he came home with me last weekend but it was a family trip so we spent all our time with other people. this will be an "us" trip. i am really excited (obviously, since i couldn't sleep past 0230!!!)

wt3-yes, i am excited about going. i am with you about trying new gyms. even the gym at my mom's was fun because there was so much new stuff. i downloaded some iStrengths as well as the new cc's and i have all the 30, 40, & 60 minute iTreads. i'd like to run on the beach as well.

jackie-i did cc8 on the ext and i had my resistance settings as high as they would go. i think to make it harder, i would actually lower my resistance settings and try to go faster. don't get me wrong, i enjoyed it, i just didn't find it as difficult as ccpp, for example. as for the airline fees, here's a forward i received:

Attendant: Welcome aboard US Airways, sir. May I see your ticket?
Passenger: Sure.
Attendant: You're in seat 12B. That will be $5, please!
Passenger: What for?
Attendant: For telling you where to sit.
Passenger: But I already knew where to sit.
Attendant: Nevertheless, we are now charging a seat locator fee of $5. It's the airline's new policy.
Passenger: That's the craziest thing I ever heard. I won't pay it. Attendant: Sir, do you want a seat on this flight, or not? Passenger: Yes, yes. All right, I'll pay. But the airline is going to hear about this.
Attendant: Thank you. My goodness, your carry-on bag looks heavy. Would you like me to stow it in the overhead compartment for you? Passenger: That would be swell, thanks.
Attendant: No problem. Up we go, and done! That will be $10, please.
Passenger: What?
Attendant: The airline now charges a $10 carry-on assistance fee.
Passenger: This is extortion. I won't stand for it.
Attendant: Actually, you're right, you can't stand. You need to sit, and fasten your seat belt. We're about to push back from the gate. But, first I need that $10.
Passenger: No way!
Attendant: Sir, if you don't comply, I will be forced to call the air marshal. And you really don't want me to do that.
Passenger: Why not? Is he going to shoot me?
Attendant: No, but there's a $50 air-marshal hailing fee.
Passenger: Oh, all right, here, take the $10. I can't believe this.
Attendant: Thank you for your cooperation, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Passenger: Yes. It's stuffy in here, and my overhead fan doesn't seem to work. Can you fix it?
Attendant: Your overhead fan is not broken, sir. Just insert two quarters into the overhead coin slot for the first five minutes.
Passenger: The airline is charging me for cabin air?
Attendant: Of course not, sir. Stagnant cabin air is provided free of charge. It's the circulating air that costs 50 cents.
Passenger: I don't have any quarters. Can you make change for a dollar?
Attendant: Certainly, sir! Here you go!
Passenger: But you've given me only three quarters for my dollar.
Attendant: Yes, there's a change making fee of 25 cents.Passenger: For cryin' out loud. All I have left is a lousy quarter? What the heck can I do with this?
Attendant: Hang onto it. You'll need it later for the lavatory.
:7 :7 :7

wendy-i have only heard great things from people who have gone to aruba. so far, my all-time best trip was to turks & caicos/nassau. it was sooooo beautiful and peaceful. i went with my very good guy friend and we flew on his plane which was nice (no airport hassles to deal with) but i think going with dean will be nicer and definitely more romantic! ;-)

well, i will see if i can fall back asleep or if i should just get up and work out. if i do work out, it will be cardio as i ended up doing muscle max yesterday just to change things up. it was actually a nice surprise because i matched cathe on every weight which i had never done before. i wasn't sure if doing nrolw was making me stronger, but it obviously has because i found muscle max pretty easy, even matching cathe's weights! i used to find it so difficult.

there is wireless access int he room, so, hopefully, i will be able to check in with you guys as well as post some photos.

hugs to all!!!
Good morning Cheetahs!

Lorie - Thanks for starting us off, although sorry to see that it's cause you can't sleep. I think I would be in the same boat as you if I knew I was going to Aruba :). LMAO at the new airline rules... unfortunately it's all too true these days *rolls eyes*. Have a wonderful time honey!!!!!!!!

So I have a couple of minutes here this morning and will try to catch up as best I can. I should have time after work tonight, too.

Bowling last night actually went well for us...probably moved up another couple of spots. We're just gonna keep plugging.

Okay, so the seminar.... I found out that entry into the program is *extremely* limited and *very* competitive. Plus, the application deadline for the program was this past Feb for 2008 enrollment. So, I'm looking at application for next year :(. However, there are a ton of prereqs that I can do NOW (Anatomy and Physiology, Psych, Computer Graphics, etc.) that, if I come out with a stellar GPA,will put me in good stead for acceptance. Plus, I did find out that virtually ALL my previous course work/degrees will be accepted and I won't have to take any LA courses. There is one exception...even though I took AP Biology my junior year of HS and got a near perfect score on the exam, it's not within the last 5 years so I do have to repeat that one. That's actually okay by me as I could probably benefit from the refresher. It's only been 15 years, LOL!

Let me go refill the java and I'll try to come back with personals.
http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/morningsmile.gif , everyone! :) :) :)

WT :: I saw you mention that about Dean's carry-on. Good idea. I cannot believe you had to pay to choose your seat!! Where does it stop?...I had been thinking they should just build the baggage fee into the fare, but now they're just adding more and more "extras." Ridic. Wow, MM is easy now? V. impressive!! :) Have safe travels and a [span style="border-bottom: 3px double #000;"]fabulous[/span] time!!! You'll be missed!

Gloria :: Right there with ya on the goofball movies. Dodge Ball's a good one. I'm a fan of the Stiller family. Will Ferrell, too. It's always the same wacky crew in those movies. Would say Anchorman and Starsky & Hutch would be at the top of the list. Ha ha on the italics. Of course, NBD here on a forum. It does irk me when I see a newspaper put a book or movie title in quotes, though. No wonder the formatting rules don't stick on the kids! :)...Yep, same for me re: the professional books. And I have a stack waiting.

Jackie :: I think adjusting to a bifocal might be just as hard for me as adapting to the contacts...Yeah, it's nice having one day in the schedule where you aren't married to a certain workout. Not that I don't change up when I need or want to, but it's just good having it wide open like that...The Baby Borrowers is a new reality show (well, they bill it as: "It's not reality TV; it's birth control"). *lol* They took several teen couples, put them in their own pad along a cul-de-sac, and then they have to babysit a child (or children) for 3 days while a professional nanny shadows them (just in case). The parents can watch them on video monitors from the houses across the street. First, the teens had a baby for three days. Then, they had toddlers. Apparently, preteens are next. It's sorta like watchin' a http://s228.photobucket.com/albums/ee296/runninteach/th_trainwreck.gif ...I'm the same about tuning out workout music. If it's a good jam, then it enhances the workout, but if it's not something I love, I just block it out.

Wendy :: nice for you to have a little ME time last night. Enjoy the bells today. I kept having to dry my hands on a towel between exercises in the kb mosh yesterday. Don't have the chalk.

Wendi :: WTG at the lanes last night!...That is FANTASTIC that all your previous coursework (with the exception of AP Biology) will be accepted. Very often schools try to put the screws to you and bleed ya for for money. I think it's a great plan to knock out all the pre-reqs. Movin' forward--it's gotta feel good, no?

Today will be CST and some yoga. I'm rearranging things, so I can do my long run tomorrow instead of Sunday when the humidity is supposed to be through the roof again.

Hope everyone has a happy Friday! :)
quick check-in to report that i ended up doing cc8 on the ext again. i made sure my rpms stayed between 48-54 for the challenges and kept my resistance at 9-10. i didn't wear my monitor, so not sure how it compared to my first cc8 experience. anyway, glad it's done.

so, i hope you all have a great day and i will try to check in when i can!
Gloria - Sorry to hear that your car is eating into your finances a bit :(. Although, it must be somewhat relieving to finally know what the problem was. It sounds like the walk you had in the morning was good one :). Rest up today and kick some tail tomorrow!

Cathy - Holy moly did you have a mega-workout day yesterday :eek:! WTG!!! The break in the humidity is nice, though, isn't it? LOL about Napolean Dynamite style. So the back's feeling better? ITA about KLG...couldn't stand her the first time around! I am actually very excited to get the ball rolling here, so to speak.

Wendy - Nice to hear you had some quality TV time with DH...we understand and will let you slide on your Cheetah responsibilites this one time ;). Nice workout yesterday!

Christine - LMAO about Jimmy aiding and abetting :+! I think that's the one thing that turns me off about forums sometimes...like you said a bunch of hens *rolls eyes*. Glad you enjoyed SZ! I'm like you about eveything having to be on count (again the music/dance background here, too) but if you didn't notice then it doesn't sound like there's an issue.

Shelly - I haven't had a chance to say how envious I am of your new property. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect piece of land for you! I'm soooooo happy for you! I can definitely be up for the Aug GTG but, as of right now, the July RT is starting to look sketchy ;(. Smart move running indoors yesterday.

Carole - I agree with youguys about being able to handle the cold rather than the heat. You can always put more clothing on but there's only so much you can take off ;) :+. I've still got my fingers crossed that the get a handle on those fires so you can see some blue sky again. Awesome workout yesterday!

Jackie - Glad you've found a way to conquer that hunger. I wish I could say the same :(. I was ravenous all day yesterday! Great mish-mosh you put together yesterday! ACK, thanks for the reminder about getting bills paid...must do that while I scarf down my lunch today. Probably should have done that instead of chatting with you ladies :p...J/K!!! That's not even a contest!

Really got get my dragging butt out the door. Have a great Friday everyone!
Hola Cheetahs!:)

How's everyone this morning? I am about to make DS and myself breakfast. After we eat we are off to play in the park, go to B&N for some Thomas the Train fun and then finally to the food store so that we have something to eat for lunch!:p Needless to say, we have a busy morning ahead of us. I will definately need to pack a snack for us!:9

This afternoon's work out will likely be Iron Core Way Volume 2.

BBIAB for personals!:)
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I know a lot of friends that want to see Mamma Mia. I do think weights before running is an easier way to do it. I don't think we have any rain in the forecast for some time...:(...I am so with you on the Kathie Lee Gifford comment!! Sounds like a fun workout after your run yesterday. I really like Kenpo+ especially compared to KenpoX. Enjoy CST and yoga.

Lorie...Sorry about your insomnia...Hope you and Dean have a blast in Aruba...and take lots of pic's!! Loved the airline joke, but darn, so true for the future!

Wendi...sounds like you will be busy with classes...I remember anatomy and Physiology, oh, so long ago! Thanks for your crossed fingers...I am hoping for the same.

Wendy...Enjoy your workout.

Gloria...I am so jealous of your 75 degree weather! So sorry about the radiator cost!

Christine...we did get a bit of blue sky, but on the way home I could see one of the fires really took off..:(...I am hoping for cooler too, but it will only be a few degrees. Glad you enjoyed SZ. I don't post much at VF and am not real surprised about all the crap surrounding SZ. Thank you for the invite...:)

Jackie...no DH shot the skunk. They are just a nuisance and attack (and sometimes kill) the chickens and eat any eggs they find. Funny how it rained at work and then not at your house! We get rain like that here sometimes. Good job on sprinting those hills for CC yesterday!

Today will be Upper Body+, half of Abs/core+ and a 3-4 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning cheetahs! Had a tolerable night at work. Hard to focus on my job here... all my thoughts are of my new home, potential jobs in the area, etc. Ah well... it will all come together eventually. I'll be tucking myself in shortly and when I wake up I plan to get in some good upperbody work with GS.

Cathy- I haven't lived in a state that required regular auto inspections for a LONG time! I hope PA doesn't require it... I've gotten spoiled. I'll have a huge basement to work out in with our new house.
Unfortunately it is not a walk out basement... we'll be changing that eventually. Kathy Lee G makes me gag too! have a great GS and yoga day.

Carole- Hope the air quality is better for you today. I'll bet the hospitals there have their hands full with people with respiratory problems. Hey, did you repeat the 100lb squats yesterday oh cheetahs with legs of steel?

Gloria- I'll bet Ellie would love a furry brother or sister!!! Raising a puppy is a lot of work..at least it's alot less trouble then raising a human child... gotta put in in perspective. Bummer that the coolant problem turned out to be more costly!!

Christine- Interesting review of Tracey's Strike Zone. I only have one workout of hers which I consider more of an intermediate workout, but I do like her. My goodness, all that bruhaha over a perception of music being off beat??

Jackie- That was an impressive mishmosh of a workout for you yesterday! You are so disciplined and organized in your workouts.... wish I could be more like that. My approach is far too spontaneous and haphazard.

Lorie- I'd say Aruba is calling you..... Lorrrrrieee- come play on the beach!! I wouldn't be able to sleep well either! Love that airline story!!! Congrats on upping the weights and matching Cathe!

Wendi- Well, a tad disappointing that you can't get into the Rad tech program this year but now you have extra time to prepare... I have no doubt at all you will get in!! Thanks for the complements re:
our new property... we're pretty excited about it. I'll likely be seeing you on the Fri class before the Aug. RT!

Wendy- Hope you have a fun morning with your cute little guy! Nice job on a long TM run yesterday

Bedtime for me.... night!

Good Morning Ladies –

Gloria – I love Whole Foods, but they are nicknamed Whole Paycheck for a reason – they are not cheap! Glad to hear you enjoyed your rest yesterday. I’m going to enjoy a rest today.

Jackie – I LOVE avocado. Hope you get a good one. I can eat those things plain. I do love a good salad. YUM! I think I’m ready for the ride! At least the temps are coming down!

Wendy – don’t you just love that quiet time when you can get it? It’s funny how different workout work for different people. I really enjoyed SZ (obviously). I actually don’t think the VF’ers were nasty. They were mentioning that SZ was off beat and dark. And Tracy had specifically said she would fix these two things when she made these. Carol flew off the handle and was threatening lawsuits, etc. I like iTread Outdoors 6 – when done in it’s entirety.

Lorie – sorry you have cramps – those always wake me up, too. I hate ‘em. {{{HUGS}}} Jimmy is nosey, so he would want to know what was going on. He supervises me while I bring in the groceries (after all, groceries are an important thing!). Your airport joke is a riot – and unfortunately all too true! I cannot believe you had to pay to pick your seat! That’s crazy! Don’t forget to bring your quarters!

Wendi – Glad you enjoyed bowling! Oh, too bad that you can’t get into the program until next year, but great that you can start ahead of time! You’ll do well, and then you’ll get into the program. I have my fingers crossed for ya! Wendy noticed SZ was off beat, and she’s not a musician. It’s weird. I think some of the DVD’s were off, I swear. :p

Cathy – enjoy your CST and yoga. Sounds like a good plan to do the long run on Saturday which will have less humidity. We’re cooling back off again – it’s supposed to be 15 degrees lower today than yesterday. Amazing. Hopefully the smoke will clear!

Carole – Oh man, are you talking about the Paradise fire? That one is scary. Glad you got some blue sky. That’s a start. I’m hoping for smoke free skies Sunday, but I’ll rise it anyway – it’s important. I like the VF forums – but I don’t buy the hype a lot because so many of the people on those forums are sooo beginner.

Shelly – It is so tough to have so much on your mind and having to concentrate. I’ll bet you are looking forward to being with DH full time, too. Are you going to start looking for a job in that area as well? I think SZ is like Kenpo X+ - it’s drills, so it’s as tough as you want to make it. I did it with weight gloves and am a little sore this morning. Sleep well!

Today is a rest day for me. I’m might get in a light spin this afternoon, but if I don’t, I’m not stressing. I’m going to work from home in the afternoon to help DD15 pack and get ready. I’m going to miss my little goofball. She keeps me entertained. :p Just say a news report that we're down to 320 fires in California now - we're making progress!!! Happy Friday all!
Good morning lovely Cheetahs!

Wendy - So nice to have quiet time to yourself last night. Good job with iTread #6. You made me think that I can do the second half of some of the longer ones and get some good sprints in. Sounds like a fun day for you and Joey. Enjoy!

Lorie - You are probably excited about your trip. I know I would be. You are going to have so much fun with your sweetie! Love the new airline rules you posted. It's funny but it seems to be so close to reality. I haven't flown anywhere since November but we had to fight that 50 lb. limit too. You have divers taking their gear. Of course, you're going over the limit. If I decide to go to Bonaire with DBF in November, I'm taking the bare minimum. Enjoy your trip!

Wendi - Congratulations on moving up with bowling! You did have some juice left in you after work! Sorry you were too late to get in your program this year. It's good that all your credits will be accepted for the program. You will do great with that biology course! Good luck with everything. Waited later to eat that last snack again last night and didn't have the hunger pains this morning. I may have hit on something here!

Cathy - It did take some adjusting to the bifocals. They made me dizzy at first. Now, they're fine unless I try driving with my glasses on. I get that dizzy feeling again. The Baby Borrowers sound interesting. I'll have to look that show up. Enjoy CST and yoga.

Carole - Learning something about skunks. Didn't know they kill chickens. Hate to run over a dead one with my car. That smell stays a little while. Did the temp drop any? Enjoy your UB, abs and run!

Shelly - I'll bet it is hard to concentrate on work. Before you know it, you will be in that house and enjoying it. I can hardly wait to get home these days. It's good that you'll have a nice basement for your workouts. It's harder for me not to have a rotation to follow. I don't have the time in the mornings to think about what I'll do. However, I have been known to make last minute changes. :)

Christine - You are so right on WF or Wild Oats for that matter not being cheap. I have dropped some $$$ at those places. If I lived closer to one, I'd probably be broke. I pick up a lot of items when I visit DBF. Glad the temps are coming down for your ride. Know you're going to do an awesome job!! Enjoy your rest days! Hope those fires continue to go down.

I did Shred Level 2 & 3. I was thinking about doing Level 1 again too but decided to do some foam rolling instead. I still got in a 60 minute workout. Those light weights got heavy a few times.

Have a fantastic day!

Hi Jackie! Yes, I remember Wild Oats from my Albuqerque days. Loves that store, too. I live pretty close to a Whole Foods but I don't go too often. I do get Jimmy's dog food there - it's a frozen raw that is pretty inexpensive.

I got a wild hair and did PUB Up Only today. I enjoyed it! Going Up only, I was able to go heavier, so that was fun. We'll see if I feel like going for a bike ride later - if not, no biggie.
Afternoon, lovelies! :)

Wendi :: My back is feeling pretty decent, yes. Was very grateful not to have any pain on my last run. Oh, I bet no one appreciates the dip in humidity more than you. Well, maybe the horsies, too. When you ride the horses, is any of the area shaded?

Carole :: I might have thought the movie would be a disappointment after such a smash hit musical, but with Meryl in it, it lends a sort of automatic respect in my book. Looks like fun. And a good excuse for popcorn. :) …Glad I’m not alone in the KLG hateration. *lol* I usually watch or listen to Today when I'm around in the morning, and if I don’t change the channel, wind up sometimes seeing the beginning of her program with Hoda. The woman has no facial expressions anymore...I didn’t know skunks killed chickens, either. I didn’t realize you *had* chickens, actually. How did I miss that?

Shelly :: hope you had a good, mind-clearing snooze…I believe PA does have an annual inspections. A basement workout room sounds like a dream.

Christine :: Had to smile at Winnie...Today was gorgeous…tomorrow the humidity is supposed to creep back up. Saw that on the news, too, about the fires. Paradise looked like anything but. Let's hope the rest can be nipped soon...Guess you weren't feelin' the rest day, huh?

Jackie :: Is your hip bothering you or was it just pro-active foam rolling? I was wondering if the airline regulations for ski equipment would change, too. Last time I flew, you were able to take a ski bag + a boot bag (free of charge) in addition to one checked bag. I'm surprised divers wouldn't be given some accommodation.

Wonder where Gloria is today. Shout-out to Posh as well!

For CST work, I returned to MM/ME for a mish-mosh and followed that w/ Eion's The Quickie. He just cracks me up. I do enjoy his brand of yoga. Thank you again, Secret Cheetah Santa! That DVD's golden!! :7 :7 :7
Good evening ladies!

So I have a few minutes before I jump into bed so I figure I'll catch up now. I have another *very* early start at work for a horse show but should be back tomorrow afternoon if all goes planned...HA, yeah right LOL :p x(!

Wendy - That IS one busy morning you had there! I hope you enjoyed the time with Joey. BTW, if you don't mind me asking...is he completely off the meds now? Great workout girl!

Carole - Did not know that about skunks and chickens :(. Glad that DH bagged one...I'm sure Sadie (and you) are quite happy about that. I've actually been really looking forward to Anatomy & Phys...I'm such a science geek at heart. I do have to second Shelly's remark about our legs-of-steel Cheetah :p! Killer workout today!

Shelly - So understandable that you would be a bit distracted...I'm sure you have a thousand things on your mind right now. I am actually thankful that I get to knock off a bunch of the pre-reqs now. I'll be there in Aug! Enjoy the UB!

Christine - LOVE the Pooh!!! Glad you had a good time with PUB...sometimes you just gotta do what you're in the mood for. I always find those workouts to be the most satisfying :). Nice to hear that the weather is going to cooperate for your ride. You must be excited!

Jackie - Great workout today! You're liking those Shreds, eh? LOL, DSO and I joke that I always bowl better when I'm exhausted or sick...probably because I stop trying to "muscle" the ball and stay much smoother and relaxed with my armswing. Great to hear that the later snack works for you...I'm much the same way.

Cathy - Oooh, an MM/ME mish mosh sounds killer!!!! Great job! We've defintitely been breathing a little sigh of relief with the drop in humidity. However, the sun has still been VERY strong and the bugs have been horrific this year x( x(. You can't even walk in the ring, you can only trot or canter to try to outrun the #$%^&* things. Unfortunately there is NO shade..nada, zip, zero. It's like riding in a buggy Sahara dessert :(. That's why I try to bang out as many as I can in the morning before it gets too miserable.

Gonna close for tonight. Gotta throw a load of laundry in and then I'm off to bed. Nightie night chickadees!
Hello Cheetahs!

I have been gone all day at the flyshop since my car didn't get fixed today. I will not be able to do the race tomorrow since I have no way to get there, as it is an hour and fifteen min. away. I would not be back in time for DH to get to work. :( I have been thinking of you all and will respond with personals in the morning! You are a great group of ladies!
:) :) :) :)
Hi Gloria...posting at the same time. Ohhhhh, that just sux hon...I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to miss your race. There isn't anyone who might be interested in taking a little day trip with you? I hope you get your car back soon. IA...love this group!
Wendi :: OMG, no shade??? I seriously do not know how you do it! Sending positive vibes for a smooth day tomorrow. Who knows, maybe you'll be surprised with an early finish...I seem to be a skeeter magnet this year more than ever--and that's even when I use spray.

Gloria :: bummer that you're without wheels tomorrow and have to forgo the race. :(

I completely forgot that I have a chiro appt. first thing in the morning, so looks like I'll be sticking with the Sunday long run as originally planned, after all. Don't want to cut it too close timewise. It's just as well b/c the humidity returned this afternoon, so there's no getting around that one.

Have a gn!


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

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