T-12 Check In - Monday


I'm so excited for you and so proud of your accomplishment. AND...to have finished in that type of weather is a feat in itself!
[font color=red size=+5]WOO HOO![/font]
I hope you know that no matter how 'anticlimactic' it was due to the change in plans for the closing ceremony, you do NOT need a hero's welcome to be a
[font color=red size=+2]HERO[/font]
Your efforts have helped raise much-needed money for families world-wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I actually got to bed by 12:30am last night! LOL Made my date leave early :) YEsterday's cookout was great and DELISH! I just laugh how everybody comments that I make it look so easy to cook healthy meals. LOL Not like I do anything special or anything...just don't add all the junk stuff to the good stuff. Even the dessert was rather healthy (chocolate zucchine cake). I then shared my new found love of dried edamame and roasted soy beans. Again, it was a hit with the crowd! Go figure! LOL

This morning, after FINALLY getting enough sleep, I did Leaner Legs and All Step. It was a CTX morning, I guess.

The temps are supposed to stay cool all week, and the rain is here for a few days also. Today I'm painting my extra bedroom! I'm PSYCHED!

Hi, everyone!

Gayle, glad your cook-out was a hit!

Lorrie, welcome home! I hope you're sleeping in! I hope you get a massage!!!!!

This morning I am doing a new combination for me - Legs & Glutes followed by KPC - skipping the cooldown of the first and the warmup of the second for a 100 min. workout. Need to kick the rest of this "fluff" x( x( x( Feel like it's going well. I seem to be responding well to the classic bodybuilder's eating program, but I'm cooking good things - eggs with salsa, sm. baked potato with greek yogurt/dill on top.... can't handle the eggwhite/oatmeal/chicken breast diet, so I'm introducing my own variations.

Have a great morning, everyone!

Hi, Cheryl. My 'fluff' is receding also! LOL What is the classic bobybuilder's program??? Curious. That workout sounds DOMS-producing! :) ENJOY it! I just loaned out my KPC/L&G DVD to my best friend's husband. I can't wait to hear what he has to say!

Gayle - the classic bodybuilding is 5-6 small meals a day, heavy on the protein, very light on starchy carbs, 1200-1600 calories a day (I'm trying hard to stay at the lower end of that) and only one treat food a week.

By introducing a few Power Bars and fiber bars that I really like and lots of flavors and spices I'm doing okay. I'm not much of a meat eater, so I have 2 omega 3 eggs a day, the protein bars, and Greek Yogurt for my protein and calcium.

For the starchy carb, maybe a whole wheat tortilla for a lunchtime wrap or an occasional whole wheat bagel or a low fat granola mixed into the yogurt.

My temptations lately have been business lunches that include too much chinese food along with the nice sushi etc., and ice cream, of all things. Ice cream is back OUT, altogether. Maybe an ocassional McDonald's soft serve for the once a week treat.

I just hate working so hard for the muscles and then not having them show

:7 :+

I really like your last comment. I've been saying for a while now, that if it weren't for my eating, my muscles would surely be visible! LOL

Jean and I were talking on the RT and we were saying about where we are now, compared to where we were at the 1005 RT. I'm at the exact same weight, but on a different level with my cardio and muscle endurance (much stronger now). And although I am very very very happy with my strength, endurance and fitness level, it's that darn NUMBER that we tack onto our weight and our clothes sizes that drive me NUTS!!!!! BUT....like you, I'm working hard to fix my food weaknesses. I've worked so hard on getting my EXERCISE strenghts up, it's now time to get my FOOD strengths back too!

Gotta go...time to paint!

Hey everyone....
Gayle sounds like you had a blast last night...i swear you are so fully of energy...stay up late...get up work out...and then paint a room...you go girl...I have a question where can I buy the edamame and roasted soy beans...im having the hardest time finding them here:(
Guy im so sorry iv been slacking on the check-ins but I have worked everyday since we got back on mon. its been crazy busy...but I just wanted to say hello and that I miss all of you...and penny I was thinking about it and I dont know what Im gonna do about the shoe situation when my mom leaves in a few weeks...hmmm Ill just hide them...shhh.lol

Off to work
Alesia----don't you know that mom's know EVERYTHING that their kids do? Everything? We may not find out right away, but WE FIND OUT! LOL Don't hide those shoes! :)

Pennie and Lorrie actually turned me onto the dried edamame. I've found them in the health food section of my regular grocery store. YUMMY!

Crashing the T-12 Check-in

Greetings from Texas! :7 Y’all are having way too much fun in here! :7 I am crashing the check-in to tell you what a blessing it was for me to meet each of you. I am still missing y’all like crazy. :-(

Gayle, thank you so much for picking me up at the airport and driving me to Cathe’s club Thursday afternoon. You do not know how much that blessed me!

Lorrie, congratulations on your amazing weekend walk! Please let me know if you want to establish a Christmas or New Year’s Eve goal and start checking in with me. I have shed 7 pounds since the Road Trip started (3 pounds in Jersey and 4 more pounds last week)! :7 Yippee! :7 Cathe live kicked my metabolism into high gear or something because I did not get back on track with clean eating until Friday morning!

Amy, I have your DVD with me and a bubble mailer. I left your address at home. Please send it to me again.

Pennie, I am ready for a Texas GTG!

Hugs to Jean, Cheryl, Belinda, and Alesia!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi ladies,

I am glad I read Alesia's post! LOL! Hiding my shoes}( Read my lips. Baby! I will take all and I mean all my shoes with me! Ha Ha! I am still laughing! You are so funny Alesia!:D :D :D :D :D :D

Lorrie I am excited for you:) You should be proud! Get some rest! You go girl!

Gayle, Leaner Legs and All Step? I am impressed! Did I read correctly? you are painting your bedroom? What color chose? Glad you had fun at your cookout yesterday! Gayle you have nothing to worry about you look great!

Hi Penny, Jean and Cheryl!

I have to go! I have to get my workout in! BBL!
RE: Crashing the T-12 Check-in

Hi T-12 friends!! I feel like I am S-L-O-W-L-Y joining the world of the living again. In a few minutes I'm going to turn on the HS Musical 2 video tape we made and be a bad mom by letting the kids watch it while I tackle PUB. Even though my body feels fine post-walk, I'm feeling just plain tired. I just don't want to do a lot today.

Gayle I am so excited that your "friend" / date thing seems to be going well. Have fun painting that room - always amazes me how paint transforms a room. Good day for it too.

Alesia and Belinda - you guys crack me up! No secrets here! It's so neat that you guys are this close. I hope when my daughters grow up we have this same closeness.

Cheryl - I'm with Gayle on loving that one line in your post. You hit the nail on the head. Today is my day to hit the clean eating again and hit it hard! Two weeks of emotional events and "too good" food has taken its toll. (Did I tell you guys about the sandwiches on the 3-day? Looked like an ice-cream sandwich wrapper, but it was instead a PB&J graham cracker sandwich. Oh MAN!!! SO glad those are gone now!)

Amy - thanks for the uniform violations in support of pink! Love you!

Heather - crashin' our check-in! You go babygirl! Love seeing your inspiration around here! I'm starting today mama, and I know you have some events coming up, but I think we can work together and make this holiday season that will get here all too soon a very good one!

Jean - really good job on the running efforts - I love it when we set new goals - guess that's why we're Catheites huh?

Pennie - yay for your son on the job! Can you enjoy that wine for me too? I had 2 glasses last night and need to have that do me for a while!

Ok - enough slacking for me today. I need to get back at it. Take care 12!


RE: Crashing the T-12 Check-in

Hey everybody!

Lorrie-be sure to check out my one-liner to you in your newest 3-post! ;) Good to have you back. 2 huge events in 2 weekends. What's next? (check out my one-liner to you, you'll find out, lol)

Heather-you crash here ANY time, you hear me????? I loved reading your RT novel! LOL

As for the paint job....it was our extra bedroom, what USED to be our 'computer room'. I've been moving and reorganizing my house and decided the best use for the exra room upstairs is just a guest room. I installed a TV on the wall in the big closet, so it can also serve as an extra place to lounge and watch TV or a movie. As for colors...the rug up there is deep eggplant purple. So I kept the walls simple, but nice, with a shade of soft yellow. I love it.

My 'friend'...I'm not sure what to call him yet. He's not officially my boyfriend and we aren't specifically exclusive either. So, for now he's my 'friend'. lol He's a nice guy, and he's AWESOME with the kids. He has 2 of his own (DD is 13 and DS is 10, who plays baseball with my older DS). When he gets his kids (which is pretty often), he also takes his ex-wife's 6 year old (who happens to be in class with my younger DS, so it makes it nice that everybody pretty much matches up). He's local and involved with his kids, sports and the school. I'm still getting to know him, but what I see so far, I really like. Really! LOL (blushes in modesty, lol) He understands that I want (and need) to take baby steps, but I have to be honest....I'm almost FORCING myself to take those baby steps. I just want to plunge right in, but I need to make sure I'm not just rebounding. So....baby steps for now! BUT....he invited me to his DB's wedding in a month. Can't wait!

OK...enough about ME! HOW IS EVERYBODY????? I really miss you guys, but I've made a promise to myself that once school starts, I'm planning on a mini weekend road trip that will include Cathe's gym and a class!

Oh my gosh you guys - I can't keep up! I had a post all typed up, had to take Wes to work and came back and my forum time had expired! I guess you just lose your post because it wasn't there when I logged in. Now Lori and Gayle have checked in again... ok I'll try again LOL!

LORRIE!!! Thank you so much for sharing your 3 day journey with us. It was fun and exciting to read all about the details and see the pictures. So you have to tell us, was it harder to come down from the RT or the walk? Did you seriously get in PUB today? I agree with Gayle, you are our hero and we are so proud of you!

Gayle - glad you got to bed "early" last night. Sounds like your cookout was a hit. Great workout and have fun painting today! And to catch up with your second post, your friend sounds nice and I'm glad your taking baby steps! How exciting to be looking forward to a his DB's wedding. Even more incentive to work hard!

Cheryl - 100 minute workout! You go girl! I love the word "fluff" - it reminds me of my favorite sandwich when I was growing up - peanut butter and fluff on Wonder bread! Oh my! That's what you feed your family when you have 9 kids LOL! We also ate cucumber and tomato sandwiches. Anyway, got off track there for a minute - you are doing wonderful with your eating and I'm glad your seeing results! I'm also glad there is no fluff in this house!

Alesia - Sorry I mentioned the shoes! Looks like your mom is on to you! Thanks for coming by to say hi and don't work to hard ok? You should be able to find the edamame at Kroger, HEB or Whole Foods. My daughter was looking at RT pictures and asked who was the pretty, young girl next to me and I told her don't you recognize Brittney Spears? Anyway, she thought you were gorgeous!

Hi back at ya Belinda! What workout did you end up doing today? Are you finished with that garage yet? I want you to know I'm praying for you still as I saw on another thread how much you miss your mom!
Hugs to you!

Heather!! Great to see you checking in with us. Keep us updated on all of your progress and we will be cheering you on! We are ALL cheering each other on - I just love it! Congrats on your progress since the RT - let's keep the momentum going!

Okay, I have to go check out Gayle's one liner.

Talk to you all later! Pennie

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