syncing issue


Hi! I've had my downloads for several years and they worked great. We switched from Windows to a Mac OSX version 10.7 since then. I had taken my movie downloads off of my iPod nano where they worked great, just needed to remove for a long trip and wanted all music on it. When I got back, I went into my Mac, where the videos play in itunes, but they do not go back onto my iPod. It just gets stuck. I've left it for several hours and nothing transfers. I sure hope you have a tip for me. I don't think I have many or any of the purchase receipts any more. Thanks!
Hello aussiekers,

I have a couple questions for you first to help you better:

1) Since it sounds like you are using a brand new Mac, please let me know the version of iTunes that you are using. You can do this by going to the iTunes > About iTunes menu. More than likely it should be 10.6 (40).

2) What model of iPod Nano are you using? This page can be useful to determine the exact model: Identifying iPod models

3) What version of the operating system are you using on the iPod Nano? You can check this by clicking on the Nano in the left list in iTunes, then click on the Summary tab at the top.

4) You said that you previously used the Nano with the Windows version of iTunes. When you first used it with the Mac version, did you happen to do a restore on the device?

If you can supply the answers to these four questions I am pretty confident we can find a solution to your problem. Thanks!

Hi Curt, thanks for trying look into this, I really, really appreciate it. We bought the Mac about 5 months ago when our other system died. We pulled a lot of the info from it and then just installed it back on this. In iTunes, when I watch the video, they work so I think they transferred fine. Here is the information you asked for:

1. It is a Mac OS X version 10.7.3

2. Have iTunes 10.6 (40)

3. ipod nano is 16 GB, 5th generation

4. iPod uses 1.0.2 software

5. I didn't do a restore on the iPod when we changed computers, but last week I did when I was trouble shooting why the videos wouldn't load.
Hi aussiekers,

After researching your problem, the only thing that I could find is that this is a problem that iTunes 10.6 (40) on the Mac has with iPod nanos (Please see: ). iTunes 10.6 has been a dog of a program (I have been having major problems myself, and finally decided to go backwards a version just to be able to sync all of my "iDevices". However, it wasn't for the feint of heart and took up way too much of my evening to recommend that process. But...I was surprised late last night to see that Apple had just released an update, 10.6.1, that is supposed to address all of the problems, including the nano syncing. Why don't you give that a try and let your Mac update iTunes to the newest version and see if that helps. If not, let me know and I can walk you through the process of going back to 10.5.3, which works fine. Hope this works for you!
synching fixed!!

Curtis, thank you so much! The new iTunes 10.6.1 allowed all my videos to synch. I thought about going back to an earlier version but thought that was ridiculous! Now when the Lion update gets going with workout blender I'll be all set!

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