Switching to EARLY morning exercising: Anyone want to ...


I've decided to switch to morning exercising. I had done it long ago and then when I went off the exercise wagon, so went the morning routine and when I started back up again I started with the evening routing. Unfortunately, too many things got in my way, so I'm going to make the transition to the morning. This morning I got up at 4:30 a.m. and did Powerstrike Millenium 3. I love that dvd, I know others prefer 1&2, but I enjoy 3. Tomorrow morning, I am going to be back at it!

No more excuses!!!! I'm just going to do it. Anyone else want to join me in the transition??

Good luck with your switch Mary! I go back and forth. I love the feeling of having my workout finished so that I can go about my day. On the other hand, I don't feel as strong in the morning, and when I exercise in the evening after work it keeps me from snacking on junk until dinner b/c I'm too busy exercising!

I go back and forth between a.m. and p.m. Today is p.m., but I am hoping to get my butt up early tomorrow for my Plyometrics X workout!

I'm onboard with this. I NEED to do it in the AM or it doesn't get done. However, my biggest problem with this is the snooze button!!! I need to start tomorrow - or I just keep putting it off! Then if I get any extra cardio in after work it's just gravy!

I don't know which video I'm going to do - need to decide that before bed, or that will be an "excuse" in the morning.

Let me know how you do with this! I need to be a 4:30 AM - or possibly 4:00...I'll have to see how timing goes. I am usually at work by 6:30...but it's nice getting done early too!

I would love to, but I set my alarm to go off early today so that I could workout. Well, in the middle of the night I got up and changed it to my normal time :( I just love to stay in the bed!! Also I find that with my wt training I seem to do better later in the day. I used to workout early am and loved having it done and over with. Maybe I'll join ya some day. Good luck!!



Gosh, I really want to join you. I have 3 month old twins and I have not been exercising like I would like to lately. I get about three days a week and I am not feeling great because of it. I really need to workout everyday to feel GREAT. If I did it in the morning - I could have all day with the babies and feel good that I took care of myself that day...

How do I get started again? What do you tell yourself in the morning? Especially in this cold weather??

I go to bed in my workout clothes, set the coffee pot, and the alarm early enough so I can hit the snooze once. That 9 minutes is when I psych myself up. I hop out of bed, eat a half a banana (or smoething like that), and have a cup of coffee, then hit it. I'm worked out and out of the shower and the kids are just now getting up.

RE: Switching to EARLY morning exercising: Anyone want...

I really really want to do this as well. I have absolutely zero time for Cathe this week because I work 8-5 and then have training for another job from 5 - 10 p.m. I get home at about 10:45 p.m. and that's it. The only time I can exercise at least this week is in the morning before the day starts. My big problem is the snooze button (as some of you have mentioned). I am really bad at hitting it over and over. I have also woke up before and changed the time back to my normal wake up time. I think getting a coffee pot with a timer might be the ticket to getting me up. Maybe we should have an early risers check-in to give us some accountability? ;)

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