Swelling after workouts Cathe


Hi, I've been reading your site for about a week and I have a question regarding after step, cardio workouts, I find my body swells, my pants are tighter etc. Then if I take a week off, clothes feels looser and I feel thinner! Is this common? It makes me want to not do cardio!
I think so? I drink about 4 cups around when i work out(before/during/after) and probably 10-11 total cups a day. Maybe I need more for my body? I'll try that.
That was my first thought, that you need to consume more water. I do Cathe's cardio almost every day and never have this problem. I drink about 48 oz. a day.
Debbie in OH
Some people are predispositioned to swelling. I read somewhere that because working out increases blood flow, in some the increased blood flow causes swelling.

This is a topic for discussion from time to time on this site and several of us have experienced this. It's not unusual, just frustrating.
I have had this happen too - I never weigh myself the day after a heavy cardio and weight workout! I finally decided it's because I drink more water when I'm working out. I also eat more salt that I probably should, and I think the combination results in swelling! It goes away in day - I need to cut back on salt!
This happens to me too. I "lose weight" when I don't work out for a few days, but I think it's just water retention around the "healing" muscle. I just live with it. I have heard other people here describe this also.
Cathe, wondering your opinion, I have tried increasing the water I drink but still find swelling after workouts, not a ton but i do notice it and pants feel tighter than before I take them off! Just want to know just how much water is "enough". I am trying to aim for 16 8oz cups a day, is this too much enough? thanks

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