

I have noticed in several post regarding diet and eating clean that it has been said to eat mostly protein at night and avoid alot of carbs at your last meal. My question is this, I seem to crave something sweet after dinner and not sure if there is anything that I could make that would be higher in protein without to many carbs and that would satisfy my sweet tooth. Thanks for any help!!!
I have been on a post surgery high protein diet and have found that I don't crave sweets at all any more. I used to go a-hunting right after dinner but it's much less a problem with a low carb diet. I don't know how this will be when I get back to my usual 60%carb diet but sometimes it seems that getting out of the habit of sweets makes them less desirable. Cravings are almost always about something other than the desire for sweets. What do you REALLY need? A massage, some real quality "me" time, a chat with a friend? In biblical times, the land of milk and honey was it! There weren't all these temptations to make us crave them! Try to forgo sweets for a week or so and see how you feel. I hate the ever abundant suppy of junk on hand in this country. Pretend it's just not an option and I'll bet those cravigs will quit calling soon! Good luck!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
Look at Elizabeth Somer's book FOOD & MOOD for insight into cravings and how what we eat causes the body to produce hormones that in turn affect how we feel.

I used to drink a glass of boiled milk with a tsp. of sugar stirred in as an easy, cheap post-workout recovery snack that had protein (bonus calcium too). Maybe it would work for your purposes if no one has a better idea. I've heard calcium's supposed to make you sleepier.

I haven't been following this long enough to see any postings recommending protein at night, nor am I any kind of dietary expert. But I've been eating protein in the morning when I need energy that will stick to my ribs and carbohydrate for supper to fuel the next day's workout and to comfort me. The idea of protein at night is new to me. I hope I can find the postings on it. Maybe I've been doing it all backward.

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