supportive friends who step?

Hi, I have a friend that enjoys exercising, but she doesn't get into home dvd's. We use to get together a lot for walking/running since she lives by a bike trail that is awesome. Lately, we haven't done much. She does get into health/fitness and we share magazines and information so that is nice. My DH thinks I'm obsessed not so much with working out, but with collecting dvds. He doesn't really say much about my working out. He knows it is important to me. My friends and family in general don't stay consistent with workouts. I like meeting and talking to others that have the same interests and that is why I enjoy this board and my other online fitness lists and groups.

Happy Stepping,

I dont just find it with "step" but with ANYTHING fitness related.

The only people I know that relate to MY fitness passion, are the people at the Gym I attend for variety in my week.

Any one outside this "circle", as in family and friends, DO NOT understand at all, so anything I want to discuss comes across as BORING to them or Im just being a "KNOW ALL"

Thats why this forum is so fantastic - NOTHING is too stupid to ask or share and ALL the things I have learned in the short time Ive joined, would have taken me years to read in books.


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