

Active Member
Hi All!

Do any of you have experience with supplements to enhance weight loss such as Ripped Fuel (ephedra) CLA Tonalin (conjugated lineic acid), chromium picolinate, etc? Have been considering, but not sure if its effective enough to be worth the cost ($-wise OR healthwise)
I agree - there is no shortcut way for weight loss; just good old-fashioned exercise and clean eating.

BTW, Evily - I love your new sig!!!

>Do any of you have experience with supplements to enhance
>weight loss such as Ripped Fuel (ephedra) CLA Tonalin
>(conjugated lineic acid), chromium picolinate, etc? Have been
>considering, but not sure if its effective enough to be worth
>the cost ($-wise OR healthwise)

Ephedra is now illegal, and has been for almost a year (?), because of the health risks associated with it (several deaths from heart attacks, in fairly young people).

I don't think supplements are worth the money or the health risks (known or otherwise) that are possibly associated with them. Also, some things like chromium picolinate have no hard data to prove that they work.

Save your money for good, healthy, clean food.

Some things that DO help with weight loss:
1) Never skip breakfast (oatmeal or a protein smoothie are good breakfast choices);
2) eat 5 or 6 meals a day (break up your daily calorie consumption into 6 small meals and 2 or three smaller snacks--no more than 500 calores at a time, ideally, to make sure those calories can be burnt off by your energy needs);
3) have some green tea. ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate--had to look that up! Let's just say ECGC!~)is a substance found in tea (green/white/black) that can increase your metabolism. Green tea also has lots of antioxidants in that are very healthy for you.

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