supplements anyone?


I've experimented with EAS Betagen. I found that it helped me recover better from hard workouts. I seemed to have more giddy-up and go when i took it. I haven't had it for a while.

I've used Myoplex and have tried Betalean. The ephedra made me sick and so I stopped taking it, not to mention all the FDA stuff about it.

Now I take the ephedra free Thermodynamix. I really like it. I only take it in the morning before my workout and it helps me work harder.

What about y'all???

No supplements being used here!!!

I just cannot justify putting stuff like this in my body. I build as much muscle/lose fat as it is possible naturally - anything else is not worth the risks.:eek:
Pre workout: I use Parillo's GH (Arginine and L-Lysine)and Max Endurance (primarily Magnesium and Potassium) products available at -- can't get these in stores).

During a workout: I use Gookinaid Electrolyte sports drink that is made locally in San Diego. I also drink this when I feel dehydrated (and take on the plane with me).

Recovery: I drink Parrillo's 50-50 carb and protein drink.
Hi Danna,

I'm not into supplements. I've done the ephedra, chromium picolinate, amino acids, and Betagen before but didn't care for taking pills everyday. I didn't notice a significant difference in my performance, either.

I take a multivitamin, but that's about it. I think if you find a product that improves your ability and makes you feel better without detracting form your health, then go for it. As long as you know what's in it and the potential side effects.

L-glutamine is crucial to recovery and preventing muscle catabolism, especially if you're doing lots of cardio. I've noticed much better results from my weight training and less soreness since I started using it almost a year ago.

Also, I take a multi, and I use a scoop of whey protein powder in my post-lifting oatmeal and/or shake to ensure I hit my protein goal for the day.
Take a multi, plus some salmon omega supplements, don't eat fish as much as I should.

Recently tried CLA (Conjugated Lineoic sp? Acid) and dropped another 5 lbs and 2 inches off my waist. It is great.

Thinking about trying Creatine? Creatnine? For muscle gain...sometime.

I take liquid glucosamine, the pills did nothing for me. But within 10 days of taking the liquid form the pain in my joints went away. Liquid is now all i would recommend to anyone. I also give it to my dog who has arthritis and hip dysplasia. Within a week he was walking better and wasn't stiff like he use to be when he would wake up.
Hi Danna! I take a Ultimate Woman multi-vitamin I got from Vitamin Shoppe. I also take Ester C 500 mg which is very good for your skin, hair, gums & teeth. Since I've been taking these supplements, I don't suffer from DOMS anymore & I sleep better + have more energy. HTH, Kathy:D

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