

I have the GS series, ME, MIS, Power Hour, The Pryamids, CTX (upper body and meaner legs), L&G and the PS series. Should I consider SuperSets? Is it sufficiently different from the others?
Hi Christine! You know, I love PP/SS just for the fact that they are a bit shorter and pack a different full body punch. They are nice to mix in with the hardcore full body workouts and the piecemeal ones :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I like these workouts, too. As previously stated, they're a nice full-body workout in a compact amount of time. I also like the use of the stability ball throughout. It brings a refreshing mix to some classic moves, and it's fun. I say get them!
You don't hear a lot about this DVD on the forums, so I always assumed it wasn't very challenging. Are the premixes good? (Silly question, I know!) Better question: what are the premixes like? are they all weight workouts or is it more circuit?

Hi Marie! This is a great dvd, you will love it. SS has 14 different pre-mixes ranging from 28-109 minutes, mostly 2 rounds of each set, some with core and some without, also ones for just upper or lower body. PP has 7 pre-mixes from 15-80 minutes, push only, pull only, just upper or lower. There are so many different workouts on here it is really worth it, HTH!!! :7 Sandy

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