Supersets/PushPull have lower body work or just upper body


Do either of these videos have lower body work, or just strictly upper body work?

Also, if a workout continues to be difficult does that mean the body is still gaining benefits from it? Example, if I've been doing CircuitMax once a week for 4 weeks and it's still intense for me, is my body still gaining benefits, or is it time to lay off that tape for a while and give my body a change/shock?
RE: Supersets/PushPull have lower body work or just upp...

Hello. I can only answer your first question. I just did PushPull, and it does have lower body work as well as upper. Although I have not done Supersets yet, it says on the cover that it is a total body workout. Hopefully someone can help with your other questions!

good ? the workouts push pull and supersets have lower body work
I do not know about your other ? but have wondered this myself

I would think that if you are just doing it once a week, and you are mixing it up with other workouts and it is still challenging you then you are gaining benefits from it. I think lots of people have 1 or two tapes that they do once a week (e.g. Imax - I always try to keep that in my schedule once a week so I can keep improving, and don't lose what I've built so far). So I would say go for it. That is a very challenging workout!
RE: Supersets/PushPull have lower body work or just upp...

To reply to your second question, Heck yeah it's normal to have Circuit Max kick your butt each and every time! There may come a time when your brain has enough oxygen to be able to really watch Cathe during this workout. Although she has perfect form, it's even kicking her butt too!

Part of training is learning to push through the difficulty. Not necessarily gaining cardio efficiency so much that the workout becomes easy - do you understand the distinction I'm trying to make? So we are also training our minds to control our bodies more and more, despite protest. And one thing we learn is how to distinguish discomfort from pain! (It is so valuable in an environment of comfort, to have the means of sharpening ourselves in this way.)

Circuit Max is one of Cathe's most intense workouts! So you will probably be able to recognize improvements but still suffer with it, because as you get better at it you will start incorporating form improvements that increase the difficulty. Sometimes you won't realize that you are doing the workout at a higher level than you did the previous week. When you are tuned in, though, this can be a source of positive reinforcement.

Keep up the good work!
RE: Supersets/PushPull have lower body work or just upp...


Your post was so perceptive. You answered questions and verified "hypotheses" that I wasn't even able to put into words yet, especially the part about learning to distinguish discomfort from pain. That's how I finally managed lunges, by learning the distinction between the two. That's also how I learned to run miles instead of blocks, by learning NOT to panic when my breathing got ragged, by learning to control it, to find a rhythm--by learning that it was just momentary discomfort and not disaster. And I understand what you mean about making form improvements to increase the difficulty. Great post! Thanks!


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