Supersets or Power hour.. which would you do?


THye are both coming on tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on which to do.. I have not done either one yet. Thanks!
oooh both are great ones! in short, they are two different workouts, so depends what you want. Do whichever one you haven't or interests you more.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

oh DUH on said you haven't done either. I have only done Power Hour, but it's awesome. That's muscle endurance. Supersets in more for muscle building. Again just depends what your goals are. My suggestion is if you have been doing only one kind or the other, try the different one to change it up.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Power Hour. Less equipment to drag out and change. Plus, I think it's a lot tougher than Supersets. Whenever I do the SS/PP DVD I always do the premixes that call for 2 or 3 sets. Supersets on its own is pretty easy.

Thank you for your opinions! I really want to build muscle so I wonder if I should do supersets then? I have done pyramid upper body and I have done S&H bicep/tricep and also shoulder/legs Humm maybe I'll start doing supersets since it is on first and then if it's not really what I am looking for I will wait till 11 to do power hour. Thanks again!
Trish, I credit PH for the first dent I ever saw in my arms. I rarely use SS, and even then, I use the premixes which are tougher. PH is a kick-butt workout. Until now, even with the HC's, PH remains one of my top favorites.

Supersets. It has fab music, some new moves and is more of a boredom buster in my opinion. You also have the premixes wich enable you to do 2 sets of the whole lot or just of the upper or lower body sections, thus making this workout as hard or as "easy," a term someone else used and with which I disagree when applied to this Cathe workout, as you want it to be.

THye are both coming on tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on which to do

She cant do the pre mixes.It's fit tv

I eneded up doing supersets and I thought it was good. I used the heaviest weights I could and it was a nice workout. I will try power hour next time it is on. Thanks again for the thoughts on these two. I did S&H biceps/triceps today and man I love that workout. I added my own during commericals for shoulders and upper back so I got a good upper body workout. :)

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