Supersets One-legged Squat

workout junkie

I did Supersets yesterday (first time in a long time) because I wanted a shorter full-body workout, and this fit the bill.

Anyway, does anyone else have trouble with the one-legged squats where your leg is behind you on the high step? I have such a hard time getting into a comfortable position to do this exercise and my form seems off. Any suggestions on how to make it easier without losing the effectiveness?

Be sure your front leg is actually far enough away from the step. If you stand too close, you'll be all "off." Your back leg can be almost straight. Then, be sure to watch the usual squat/lunge form pointers - keep your body upright, core tight, make sure your knee doesn't float out over your toes, and keep your front leg at a 90 degree angle during the movement. Think of it as more of a stationary lunge than a squat.
You can put your foot on a stability ball, and hold it to the side (a bit to the front) or behind you. It's sometimes easier to roll the ball to where you need it to be...see NY25's info on placement...than it is to 'hop' into place with the back foot on a step. You will probably have to reduce the amount of weight you use on the move if you use the ball, as your stabilizing muscles will be called into play a bit more. But don't worry, this is effective even without ANY added weights.

My suggestion would be to pretend that you are in a static lunge with both legs at a 90 degree angle. Then keep that image and put the back leg on the bench. Make sure that your front leg is far enough forward and never come all the way up to the point where the knees are straight. I hope this helps.:)
Melissa, NY25 has great advice for you (along with everyone else, of course!!). Keeping your foot far enough from the step should solve your problem, as long as you are focusing on pressing up through your heel and keeping your knee in line with your 2nd toe. You should be able to see your toes throughout the lunge.

As for making it easier, try it with much lighter weights or none at all. Either way, it's a killer move!! }(
>You can put your foot on a stability ball, and hold it to the
>side (a bit to the front) or behind you. It's sometimes easier
>to roll the ball to where you need it to be...see NY25's info
>on placement...than it is to 'hop' into place with the back
>foot on a step. You will probably have to reduce the amount of
>weight you use on the move if you use the ball, as your
>stabilizing muscles will be called into play a bit more. But
>don't worry, this is effective even without ANY added weights.

Ahhh, sort of like Susan does in FYC. Except I'll try to do it with my foot behind me instead of to the side. The difficult part for me IS trying to hop into place with my back foot behind me on the step. I don't think I end up with a wide enough stance. It'd be easier to adjust this with the ball. I'll give it a try next week when I try Supersets again.


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