Supersets is fun!!


I got this DVD about 6 months ago, tried Push Pull once and never did it again. I did Supersets for the first time yesterday and I loved it! I know it has a repution for being easier, but I have to tell you, my arms and shoulders are cooked today! I have been rotating the Gym Styles and PUB lately so I wasn't expecting this. I did think it was a little easy on the lower body & abs though, so to make up for it I did the Kickmax leg drills today & PUB abs.
Supersets is one of my favorites. I love doing the Upper & Lower Blasts as a split. I have gotten some good strength gains doing this. I have been doing the HC and miss some of the others.
Diane Sue
Tell me more about Supersets! I have not heard the greatest comments about it and always thought it would be fun, sometimes you need FUN!

Is it a sweat dripper or light weight or heavy?? High rep - low rep?? Endurance style - strength? Both??

Boy, I have all sorts of questions!
It's a heavy weight, I'd say medium to low rep strength workout but it just doesn't have the dread factor as much as others because you jump from one body part to the next, so each part gets a rest before you come back to it. I love it. I have another post on here asking for advice on a new total body workout and I think I had it all along!

And now I really love it because Diana Sue - my hero - said she likes it too : )

I think I am still gonna buy ME though for an endurance workout. Oh who am I kidding, eventually I'm gonna buy them all : )
you will end up buying them all}( I just recently rebought pushpull/superset.I love push pull premix both lower and upper 3 times it reminds me of p90x.I am going to do superset next week.I am doing hardcore gymstyle's but tommorrow is bootcamp-looking forward to it.Diana is my hero also:*

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