Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 14-20


Good Morning Challengers!
I am not sure if the date I put up is right or not.I don't have a calender near by so I winged it.
Yesterday went well.When I got home from work DH had dinner made.He made steak, shrimp, bacon wrapped scallops, potatoe, broccoli, carrots and cheesecake:9 I was eating my dinner and he said,"your not going to eat your potatoe"?. I said" nah,Im just enjoying my steak". It was a low carbers dream though.I did have a taste of the cheesecake though.He would have known forsure that something was up.
My HC should be here today! Its 8:30 here and I am afraid to leave my house b/c my workouts may come and I will miss them.If you are not home when they bring them to your door, they put a note in your mailbox saying to pick them up at the post office at 5 p.m.There is no way I am waiting that long.I also got called in to work.I think its b/c I am the new girl and I won't say no. It doesn't bother me b/c I just have to go in at 2 for an hour.No big deal but they asked me to work all day tomorrow:-( Thats not a big deal either b/c I was off of work until Thursday and on that day I only work 4 hours.I am actually looking forward to April when my other job is redundent.I have to stick it out so that I can get my severence pay.Some weeks will be tough but it is only 7 weeks.And time flys,right?
Well, I will check back later and hopefully I will be reporting that I did a HC workout.MY plan is to do IMax 3,a seg from Core Max and maybe Muscle Max.Tonight I am thinking I may go for a run on my threadmill.I need to whip this body into shape for the next round of pitcures!I will not,will not,will laughed at!:+
Lori, you certainly will not be laughed at!

Your dh made a fabulous dinner last night. YUM! Bacon wrapped scallops, my dh couldn't make that if you held a gun to his head. The whole meal sounds delicious.

I had the london broil and veggies, and salad. It was really good. I may have leftover london broil in a salad tonight, and make fajitas with it for my kids and dh.

My dh and I are going out to the movies and lunch today. I am going to keep it healthy.

I am getting HC today too. I am feeling a little sore from yesterday, so I want to do low max today.

I will check back in later, have fun with the HC's.

Now, I should rephrase that.He bought the bacon wrapped scallops and he put them in the oven:) But I guess if he had to, he could have.Hes made them before.
No DVD's yet.I was hoping to get them in the a.m but it is getting close to lunch time and I have to work at 2.The dog keeps getting up and looking out the window....he tricks me into thinking the mailmans here.I was looking forward to having most of the week off, to view and try out my new workouts but I will have to seperate myself from them tomorrow.But I will workout to them tomorrow night.
DH gave me a card and choc for valentines (of course) He said he was going to buy me something else but I told him not to bother.I have $300 worth of workouts comming.
The card was funny,it had a picture of a man and women on the front in bed, and it said (something like this)" to the women I share all of my love and devotion to" and on the inside it said "and my bed sheets".When you open up the card,it takes the bed sheets off of the man.Its funny b/c it is so TRUE.He fights for bed sheets every night.
Anyway,I will check back later.I've been cleaning while I am waiting.
Well, I weighed in again today, and I was down 1.5 lbs. I wish it would have been a little more, but I am eating pretty much what I want, and losing weight. I should not complain!!!!!!! I have not seen this low of a number on the scale in 3 years. So, I am happy.

I hope you guys get your Hardcores today!!!! I am going to do Gym-style BSB, and Imax 3 1-5. Boy, I previewed it yesterday, and the step isn't as basic as the other two. I might have a little trouble!!!! I am also going to try to squeeze in a section of Core Max.

Take Care!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm checking in, but I don't know why. I have been exercising some, but not consistently. My diet is horrible. It seems I've been eating everything I can get my hands on. I gues the exercising is burning some of it off, because I haven't gained everything back. I made a little agreement with my dh today to help me stay on my diet... I get twenty dollars a day as long as I stay on my diet until I lose to my goal weight. I'm thinking it will take me about four months to lose it all since I need to lose 25lbs. here's where the extra incentive comes in... If I cheat on my diet, I don't get any of the money and any money I've saved up during that time I must give him. Ya'll, wish me luck, because this is going to be hard. To stay focused, I'm thinking of all the wonderful ways I'll spend that money when I'm finished. :p

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. My HC DVD's should be here today, plus I got a great gift from dh, so I'm a happy camper. :7

Good Evening Ladies,
I am wiped! So Sleepy! Those 2 workouts knocked me out! I did Imax 3 and Muscle Max.WOW! They are awesome! I didn't have any problems with the music either.Muscle Max was lose in it's case when it was delivered though.I took it out and there were a few scratches on it.I e-mailed cksales and received great customer service.I told them I wasn't in any rush.I did the workout and it didn't skip at all.Or maybe it did and I didn't need to do so many kickbacks! I love the band to.It gets to the point and you don't have a weight hanging off of you somewhere.I loved Imax 3 as well.I think when I get use to the steps it will be harder.It flew by.

LeeAnne-Thats a crazy bet you have with your DH.Almost as bad as Lori's bet with her sister.You could make losing weight your part-time job if you are going to make $20 a day at it.
I think our bodies are in for a shock with this new serious.Its tough!
Leanne, you are going to have lots of cash. Think of all the new clothes you can buy! Don't feel bad, I was in a funk for a while, and didn't exercise.

Well I was feeling really energetic last night and I decided I would give Imax 3 a try. Well the choreography was so tricky I only did 1/4 of it. I was in a hurry so I put in LowMax. That was much better, but still a little complicated also. I think it will get lot better each time I do it. I don't know about Imax 3 though! The steps were a little complicated. I will get the hang of it eventually.

Eating has been going very well. I set my alarm again for 6. I turned it off this morning. I am having a lot of trouble getting up early before the rest of my family wakes up. I need to go to bed earlier. I am going for a walk/run now in my neighborhood. I am getting my hair done today, going to inlaws, and then going to play BUNCO. I have a full day, so I want to get my run in and then maybe some arms.

I also previewed a lot of HSC. It looks awesome!

I will check in later, have a great day.

Lori- I was shocked, I did 1/2 of Imax 3 yesterday. I can not do Rythmatic Step, or Step Blast. I tried, and tried, and got so frustrated, I sold them. So, i was very leary of Imax 3, it is tricky, but I did the first 5 intervals. Twice I had to rewind, she started so fast into the next series, I was standing there a little dumbstruck, but I did it. You can too. If I can, you can.

I did GS B,S,B yesterday. I really liked it. I sold both Slow & Heavy, and the PS Series, I just could not like either one, so I was leary of the GS workouts, but I really liked yesterday's workout. My back is the most sore today. Today I am going to do GS Chest and Triceps, then I will add some cardio. I might do KPC Cardio Conditioning. I LOVE that premix, and can't give it up. I have Kick Max and Low Max in for this week, so I think I will do KPC today. Unlike you Lori H., I love to Kick Box.

Well, I am off!!!!!!!! Have a good day everyone.
I just want to tell you, my UB is fried. The GS C& Tri's is awesome. Chest is a very weak part for me. I then did KPC Cardio Conditioning with my 1 lb. weigh gloves on, and oh my, I am sore. Imagine what I will feel like tomorrow. I totally am in love with this series. I love Body Blast also. Her last 2 series are the best in my Opinion.

Hi Ladies,

I'm still here. Saturday I did Kickmax. Not sure if I liked it as much as KPC, but it definitely kicked my butt. Will be doing this one again soon. Sunday I did Muscle Max (liked this one a lot) and the first 5 intervals of Imax 3 kind of. I say kind of since I am choreagraphically challenged and didn't preview this. I will definitely have to work myself up to Imax 3.

Lorihart-absolutely no one will be laughing at you. You are beautiful.

LoriSax-great job on the wt loss. I didn't make it to my ww meeting so I won't weigh in until 2/21.

Lee Anne-Get ready to go shopping with all that dough you will have. Just let us know if you need motivation, although $20 bucks a day sounds pretty motivating to me!

NurseLRT-I'm with you on Imax 3. Definitely going to have to preview this very slowly while trying to do the steps. I haven't tried low max yet, actually picked Imax 3 over lowmax because it was shorter.

Where's FFD???

Have great day everyone.

Hi Ladies,
Just getting around to checking in.I worked all day and normally I would have gotten time to check the site but I was busy.I worked with another lady who as a lady of paper work to do.It was good though b/c the day flew by.
When I got home I ate dinner and then I napped! For almost 2 hours! I couldn't beleive it.I gotta give that up.Theres no need b/c I would have been in bed in 4 hours.I will probably have trouble sleeping tonight.
When I woke up I decided to do the first workout on the HC Extreme DVD.I wasn't in the mood to work out though.I just wasn't in the mood for any tricky,fancy foot work.My brain wasn't working right but I did it anyway.
Anyway,I will check in in the morning.I am off all day.I plan on doing Low Max and a UB DVD.Then I am going to start housework.I got lots to do!
Hi everyone! Quick checkin since I haven't much to report. Have been in Vermont the past few days and put in a 12 hour workday today after getting home at 1:30am the night before. Needless to say, no workout for me! Eating off schedule due to travel, but glad to be home. My HC is sitting at the post office and I didn't have time to get it today! Hopefully tomorrow...

Can't wait to get back to my regular schedule! Will check in tomorrow or Thursday, whenever a workout looks like its in my midst!

Diana, glad you're sticking with us! We have a nice little core group forming!
Good Morning!
FFD-Glad to see your back.If you go to the post office today...I think you will workout:) These workouts are amazing.I love the ones that I have done.Its not hard for eating to get out of wack when you are travelling.I haven't been anywhere in a while,thank god,and it looks like I won't be anywhere for a while.
Since I started my new job, would you beleive,that every weekend my little girl as a gymnastics tournament, or we want to do something, I am working!My SIL called last night and wanted to know if we wanted to go to Boston the last weekend in May to see U2.Its something I would LOVE to do...but I just started a new job,if I go to Boston I want to go for a week and not have to rush back.It just seems like so much work.One of the girls that was on maternity leave is comming back part-time, but I don't think she will be there very long.She keeps saying.."we will see how it goes".Finacially she doesn't need to work so if it becomes hectic then she won't do it.Sounds like she will be unrealiable to me.
Lori-Did we start out 2 month challenge already? I thought about it today when I was out getting my coffee.We should have used this week to get use to the HC series.Then on Sunday or Monday we could start a rotation.I was also thinking should we make it 2 monthes or 3 monthes.2 monthes is only 8 weeks.
Just a thought.Im good either way.I think I am going to have a rotation with the Gym Style workouts,Interval workouts,a circuit workout a week AND some running on days when it is premitted.Im going to have to make good use of my time until I only work one job.I am working all weekend SO I will make up my rotation then.
I will check back later,
Hi everyone!!!!!

FFD- Get those workouts, you will not be sorry!!!! They are so awesome!!

I am going to do Kick Max again today. I did it once last week, I liked it, but I will probably like it better everytime I do it, and get more used to it.

Have a good day!!!!!!!

LoriH- I am going to do a rotation w/ the GS workouts too, and then one day do HSC. I started mine this week.
Hi everybody,

I just walked in the neighborhood yesterday, only one mile. I had a very packed day. This morning I slept in, and dh got up with the kids. I don't know what I am doing today, maybe HSC, I really want to try that one.

FFD, glad you are back, was Vermont just beautiful?

Lorisax, It looks like you are taking full advantage of your new HC's!! :)

Lorihart, I am flexible. We can start Sunday, Monday, when ever you would like. I am open to 2 or 3 months. Maybe we should make it 12 weeks, just like all of those other challenges out there. I am open to anything though, it's your call. I am staying home and cleaning my house today if it's the last thing I do. The health department is going to come shut me down. :) I will check in later after I do HSC. I didn't buy HC extreme so if their is a rotation with that included I will have to substitute.

Have a great day,
Lori-Did you see my post on cleaning your house? I was in such a mood last night.I felt like my house you rotten! I just haven't had time lately to do it.And it needs to be dug out.Not just cleaned.I started in today.I started cleaning the kitchen.I have one bag of garbage already and I am not even near the fridge and freezer.We bought a new fridge and stove last May and I haven't cleaned my stove yet...until today.It wasn't that dirty but I hadn't had time to read up on self cleaning oven.Its cleaning up there now and I excpet everything in the house to be dead my sunset.The fumes are horrible.I have the window open but it is the middle of winter.
I just finished Low Max.It was a great workout! I plan on running and do GS Chest and Tri after lunch.
Chat with you later,
Good Day Ladies,

This morning I did S&H Legs and Core Max #2. Am also planning on doing some cardio at the gym later today.

I would be interested in a 12 week HC challenge as well. I still have many workouts to try-low max, HSC, GS Upper Body's, stretch max and Imax 3. Jillybean put out a hardcore rotation, I think I saw it on the rotations forum????

Okay Lori and Diana, are we doing the 12 week challenge? If this sounds good to you, I will count 12 weeks from now (or Monday) and post a date we should post pics. I took my measurements on Valentines Day. We can post our inches lost (or gained), if we want too. :) I hopefully will have inches lost because I have pounds to drop. I know everybody has different goals.

I just finished High Step Challenge. I cleaned my house today and then did the workout. Wow, it was great, except for pushups and plyos. Those are laughable!! I can hardly do them. I do girl pushups. But 12 weeks from now things should look better. :)

I did read your post on cleaning Lori. It is such a struggle. I think the key is doing something everyday. I also have a new mantra, "Does this object bring me joy?" "Have I used this in the last year?" If not I throw it out. I have never been a clutter bug, but things do start to pile up.

I have a 4 mile race scheduled for March 26. I am not going to compete, just try to run the 4 miles. I have to start kicking it up a notch with my running.

I ate a whole bunch of food I shouldn't have last night. Lasagna, mushroom pie, tiramisu, hershey kisses. I went to 2 events. The scale still looks good. Social events always kill me. Today eating has been going great.

Sorry for the long post.

Have a good night,
No need to be sorry for the long post...mine are always long:)
I guess we can start the challenge whenever.I am going to get some good workouts in in the next couple of days but Sat and Sun may not be to promising.I am working my first night shifts! 6:30 till 8 in the morning! If its not busy I can catch a little snooze.
Today I did really well.Your going to think I am crazy but I did Low MAx in the A.M.Then in the evening I did GS Chest and Tri, Ran for 30 min, then I did GS Back,Shou,and Bic.These workouts are awesome.I am going to be sore tomorrow.
Tomorrow I plan on doing GS Legs and maybe Imax 3 again and in the evening I am going to try and squeeze and run in.
I am tired now.I had a very productive day.I got alot of things done and I didn't get a nap in!
hi ladies!

A 12 week challenge sounds great to me too! Got my workouts today but a 12 hour day (again) means no workout. x( Realistically, it will be the weekend, although I've been periodically looking at the covers all day (just like a 4 year old!).

Vermont was beautiful and there is more of a chance of us moving there than I thought. I would very likely find a job at the University of Vermont and my fiancee at Middlebury Univsersity up there. Its just a matter of would these positions provide enough career benefit to warrant moving from the south up there? I'll keep you posted!

Gotta go to bed, but not before looking at my DVD's one more time!

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