suggestions, please?


I'm new to Cathe vids and want something for non-gym days. I teach aerobics (aerobic weight training format), and FIRMs are an easy/medium workout for me. What Cathe collections will kick it up a notch? I want something that's tough like a live class...preferably a weights workout and a kick-butt cardio. Any leads?

Also, I'm interested in buying a new Pilates vid. Anyone into Pilates who can suggest something? Thx.
I did the Firm tapes years ago. I think most of Cathe's are tougher. I really like one of the new ones. Step, Pump and Jump which is cardio & weights. Kick, Punch and Crunch is also a kickbutt kickboxing workout. Hope this helps...Carole
I second Step Jump and Pump! Another one with strength training and a kick butt cardio is Circuit Max. These will kick it up a notch all right. :)
If you have the time for the workouts (they tend to be longer, like 80 min I believe)I'd get the Terminator dvd. The name says it all. If you dont have the time or a dvd player, I'd get Interval Max 2, Boot Camp or possibly Cario & Weights, though I don't think this one is as tough as Circuit Max, but it's newer and has better music. Another toughie is Body Max. Kick Punch and Crunch and Step Jump and Pump are also great! For a challenging weights workout, I'd get the Pyramids. Let us know what you decide!!

:) Stacy
I like:
1. Step Blast and that comes with Step,Jump and Pump (which has hi-lo and weights)

2. Imax 2 ...cardio intervals (Very awesome!!!)
3. Boot camp ( variety and doesn't take up much space at all...has some weights and core work )
4. Pyramids DVD ( the best weight series so far )
5. Circuit Max ( tough cookie )

As for Pilates...Stott Pilates. Yes, it's clinical but her instruction and the workout make perfect sense. I actually do feel it where you're supposed to and if she can make my abs burn with just 10 slow reps...she must know what she's talking about.
I agree with Stacy about the Terminator DVD. The Gauntlet and the Viper alternate cardio and weights. Imax Extreme is a long step cardio session, with minimal weights. All of these will kick the Firm up a notch or 2...and thanks for correcting my blonde moment. It's Step, Jump and Pump not Step, Pump and Jump as I posted earlier...:)...Carole
Hi! I would strongly recommend IMAX 2 for a fantastic and fun cardio step workout (love the interval format). Muscle Endurance and or Supersets are great weight workouts. Combining cardio and weights, I'd recommend Step, Jump & Pump (fun!), and for the most fun kickboxing ever, you MUST get Kick, Punch and Crunch. These are all workouts from the Intensity Series and new Body Blast Series. The Pyramid Uppper Body and Pyramid Lower Body workouts are also great from the Intensity Series. I've really narrowed it down for you, haven't I? They're all so good, that it's really hard to recommend just a few. There's so much variety. Good luck and have fun!!


:) :)
Wow -- Thanks. Here's the deal:

I bought FIRM's BSS2 at Target 2 days ago, but the stupid twigs don't match, so I'm returning it tonight. I'm thinking about a full refund b/c I thought -- I should just order Cathe's online since FIRMs have always been easy for me.

And, IMAX extreme sounds great b/c I love love love advanced step classes. And, then again, I love hard intervals, but those are pretty easy for me to come up with on my own.

Again, I teach basic aerobics/weights classes, so I know the basics, but I want some funky changes, some hard stuff.

Looks like I just need to keep viewing clips online and make a decision! Thanks for all your help.
You won't be sorry with any of Cathe's workout that you order. The DVD's though are good for mixing and matching the different workouts. I think Imax2 has some hard stuff in it compared to the Firm. I do use the Firm Body Bar in Cathe's workouts when she does calf raises on the step for balance. Good Luck!...Carole

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