Suggestions please!

Hi Cathe. I think that is so great that you ask for ideas from your fans.

I would also vote for a video separated into 10 to 15 min. sections so that you could use the video as an add on and only do one section at a time or make it a "killer" workout and do the entire tape! Each section could be a different style or target section for muscle confusion. I often fast forward tapes to the ending ab section and it would be great to have one so when one section is over you can stop the tape and don't have to rewind of fast forward for the next workout!
Wonderful!!! Thanks very much! I can't wait.
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
I would love a new section tacked on to the end where you did ab work on a ball. I have a new ball and I don't use it much because all I ever do is Cathe (of course) and you don't use it--yet! ...Just a thought.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-02 AT 08:43PM (Est)[/font][p]<<we are making a 60 minute ab workout >>

Oh my GOD, Cathe! Does a coupon for free hospitalization come with it! I love you to death, girl,but those ab workouts are brutal!

How about the planks from Circuit Max? ;-)

When do you estimate that this new video will be made available to us?

We're all anxiously waiting with our credit cards in hand!!
RE: When?

Hi Cathe,

Thanks for asking for our suggestions! I have just read lately that doing traditional crunches does nothing for strengthening ABS? Only planks are concidered to be the perferred exercise to do for ABS? So, I'm not sure about buying your ABS tape having read this article. I hate ABS workouts and I only want to do those that I will see results from. I would be more inclined to buy a video with 15 minute segments of plank work only! I'm very confused, what is your opinion?

Thank you,
RE: To Olivia from Not-Cathe!

It is absolutely a myth that traditional crunch work does not have positive benefits for the abdominal muscles!

Consider: three of the four major muscles that comprise the abdominals (the vertical rectus abdominus and the diagonal internal and external obliques) have motor function, in that they flex the spine forward, sideways, and diagonally; they also assist in core stabilization. The fourth major muscle, the cummerbund-like transverse abdominus, has no motor function but instead compresses the internal viscera and assist in forceful exhalation as well as digestive elimination.

The transversus is most strengthened by core / plank work. The rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques are strengthened by a combination of plank work AND supine crunch work, because you are flexing the spine against an increased gravity-based resistance.

Does this make sense?


Cathe, I would have chosen the same ab workouts myself! This looks great!

I'm a little nervous about the suggestions to create 4 15-minute ab workouts though ... I'd much rather have shorter workouts of 8 to 12 minutes. Then I could combine them in different ways if I had extra time. But I usually don't spend that much time on my abs. I'd rather hit 'em hard and be done with it.

I can't wait for this DVD. Thanks, Cathe.
Shorter ab segments too

Hi Cathe,

I agree with Daphne concerning the length of each ab workout. Also, the idea of mixing the planks with the traditional crunches sounds great!

Now, the next question............... WHEN??? :D :D

Bev K.
I'm buying!! These are GREAT ideas, Cathe! Thanks so much for asking your customers what we want. I hope you are doing well with the boys, from another Mom of 2 Sons, Mary Claire :eek:)
Guess I can be a lone voice here, I don't necessarily dislike plank work, but due to some wrist surgery I can't handle the pressure, so if the plank work was in its own chapters would be nice. I'm sure there are others with joint issues who can't do them either.
A ball section would be great, I too have one and try and work some with it but it can be tricky.

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