Suggestions please!

If each section taken from a tape is around 7-8 minutes long, maybe you could alternate ones with no planks and ones with planks on the vhs so people could do either one section per day after a workout or do two of them back to back without getting bored and without needing to rewind or ffwd. I can’t see myself doing more than two sections of these ab workouts at a time (15 minutes)—they are intense enough to do one section a day, after all.

Myself, I would be getting the dvd anyway—so long as the seven sections are chaptered separately and accessible from a menu, I would be fine. However, I would really appreciate it if you could indicate how long each section is, whether or not it included planks, or a even small picture featuring a more unusual ab exercise in each routine (like the lying on the side double-leg lift pulses in SH tris/bis, I think? I can’t remember!) next to each choice on the menu so we could remember which ab routine is which.

If the sections were each generally chaptered into upper, lower, and oblique subsections, you could also easily rewind and get a double dose of just one of those groups. However, “all upper abs” and “all lower abs” etc. choices from the dvd menu (where you get just the upper abs from each section in order for instance) would be tougher to produce, but I don’t think it’s necessary since I would want a more balanced ab workout anyway.

If it is at all possible, a few minutes of lower back work would be nice on the tape (I don’t know if it is already included in the seven sections you listed—there’s some in PS BBA, which didn’t make your cut) to balance out the ab work. Especially with the dvd, one could do one or more ab sections and then finish off with working the lower back.

Thanks for asking for our input!
Hi Cathe,

Thanks so much for asking our input! I would like to echo what a couple of other people have said about including the CTX Power Circuit plank work. To me, that segment is the ultimate core strengthening workout. If repeating the same song as Kickbox is an issue, maybe separating the two segments by a decent amount of time (30 minutes or so) would work. I personally don't have a problem with hearing the same song twice.

Other than that, the workout is a great idea and I'm really looking forward to it! :)

Take care,
Hi Cathe!

I think whatever you decide for the content will be fine - all the ab sections listed are great (as is everything you produce!!).

I do have one suggestion: how about a little instructional in the beginning on how to properly engage ab and core muscles to make the exercises more effective? It took quite a while before I was able to understand the proper technique and am getting so much more out of my ab work now!

Thanks for all you do!

Hi Cathe-

Sounds great! I prefer the alternating plank/traditional ab work you suggested since I do not have a dvd. I can't wait... the only suggestion I have would be to add in some back strengthing at the end of each segment for lower back.

Otherwise, sounds great! Thanks for asking.

Glad you are back at it and CONGRATULATIONS to your family!

Hi Cathe-

Sounds great! I prefer the alternating plank/traditional ab work you suggested since I do not have a dvd. I can't wait... the only suggestion I have would be to add in some back strengthing at the end of each segment for lower back.

Otherwise, sounds great! Thanks for asking.

Glad you are back at it and CONGRATULATIONS to your family!

I love the DVD Hits selection you posted as is! One suggestion I would like to make if it's not too late is: Since the abs from PS B/B/A was added onto the Cardio Hits DVD, I was wondering if the ab section from PS SL/A might be added onto the Cardio Classics DVD? That would be great! Thanks for asking!
A vote for 4-part format

For Ab Hits, I'd love to see a 4-part format -- 4 complete 15-minute ab workouts (including planks, upper, lower, obliques, etc. in each 15-minute section). I would most likely use this as an add-on to other workouts instead of doing the whole 60 minutes of ab work alone. I have no preference as far as order of exercises is concerned. Ooooh, can't wait to hear all the final details! :)
Yes, Lynne!!

I second Lynne's suggestion! I, too can see myself only being able to do about 15 minutes at a time for ABS as an add-on to my workout. Plus, I love the idea of having all avenues covered such as lower, upper, obliques, planks & so-forth! Great idea, Lynne!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
One more vote for ab/back

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 00:06AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 00:04 AM (Est)[/font]

I would love it if the supine (facing up) planks and supermans were liberally interspersed in there for posture and core balance. Also the modifications for both. It would be great if these had their own chapters so I could add them on to an ab workout that doesn't have them.

Like others, I would probably choose a 12-16 minute section to tack on to a workout like bike riding. Then another day, another section. So the repeated song could be in two separate sections. ;-)

But oh, I don't mind however you work it because I observe that your other workouts are put together with much thought!

Thank you for asking for our input.
RE: One more vote for ab/back

I agree with Lynn too! Couldn't say it better.
Thanks so much for asking, Cathe. Warming up the old credit card!
RE: Yes, Lynne!!

I third this suggestion....I have no intention of EVER doing a 60 minute ab workout!!!!!!!

Thanks for asking us, Cathe!
Hi there

Sorry I have not had time to check everyone else's reply yes even thought I hate them you can actually feel your stomach muscles working.

RE: Yes, Lynne!!

Hi Honeybunch! Oh My, I guess I should have clarified this in my post but I never had any intention of making a 60 minute ab video to be done as one long workout (I see I accidentally wrote "60 minute ab workout" vs "60 minute ab video" in my original post). This would most definitely be insane ;-)!
RE: Yes, Lynne!!

Whew! Thanks for clearing that up! My dear, I LOVE your videos, but if this were really intended to be an hour long workout, it would have been the one video of yours that I would be passing up!
RE: Yes, Lynne!!

Whew! Thanks for clearing that up! My dear, I LOVE your videos, but if this were really intended to be an hour long workout, it would have been the one video of yours that I would be passing up!
RE: Yes, Lynne!!

Whew! Thanks for clearing that up! My dear, I LOVE your videos, but if this were really intended to be an hour long workout, it would have been the one video of yours that I would be passing up!
Hi Cathe: I love Lynne's idea of four 15 minute ab routines.
also, this is sort of related: any chance you could do the same thing with the weight sections from the CXT series? eg., put all the weight work from the CXT tapes into one video like the ab one, for another complete strength training video? for those of us who don't have dvd players yet!

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