Suggestions please!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! We are in the process of designing the format for our AB HITS workout (VHS/DVD). For those of you who may not be aware, we are making a 60 minute ab workout based on footage of some of our existing ab workouts. We would like this workout to meet your needs as best as possible so we are looking for your feedback on the order you would enjoy them in the most.

I have created a list to get things started. My thoughts were that I wanted to alternate a traditional ab workout with a plank oriented ab workout for a better rounded core workout. So here is what I came up with for a 60 minute workout.

1) Body Max
2) Kickbox (ctx)
3) Power Hour
4) MIS
5) S&H Chest/back
6) S&H Tri/bi
7) All Step

Because we are trying to keep this around 60 minutes some workouts had to be eliminated. The ones that I eliminated were:

1)PS Legs and Abs
2)Leaner Legs
3)PS Back/bi
4)Power Cicuit(CTX)
5)Step Heat

My reasoning for leaving the 5 out that I did was either because the moves were already used in other videos in a similar way or they repeated a song from another ab workout (I believe Power Circuit and Kickbox shared a song).

Since you have been doing these workouts more than I have lately, these ab routines are fresher in your minds. This being the case, feel free to suggest another order to put them in or even use different videos and please tell us why you feel this way.

Please respond as soon as possible since a decision must be made soon. Thank you for your help! Cathe

PS.....For those who are interested in the Ab Hits DVD, please share your thoughts on chapter ideas too. Tell us your favorite sections within each workout so that we can consider this for individual chapters.
Hi Cathe!
This new ab workout sounds great. I have an idea for one way to arrange the chaptering - you could put all upper abs together, then lower, then obliques, then planks, etc., so that if you do the whole thing (I don't know if I could do an hour abs workout but if you make one, I will try!) you will work each part one after the other.

It's so great that you actually ask us our opinions! I am looking forward to any new workout that you put out. Hope you & your family are feeling well.

I'm not familiar with all the tapes you have listed, but I hate to see you leave out the ab work from PS Legs and Abs (unless it's really similar to one you have above). I got great results from that one, both in increased strength and in an immediate results on my measuring tape! I also love the one in Body Max.
Hi Cathe,
You could always break the workout into 3-20 min ab work outs or 4- 15 min ones.I think that an hour of abs would be way to hard.Not to mention what your neck and shoulders would be thinking.Body max would be my favorite ab work out.I have read a few tmes that if your doing the right moves then you shouldn't have to work at it for very long.

Are you redoing them yoursef or are you just taking those parts of the video and putting them all on one video? What ever it is I'm sure it would be great. It would be nice to concentrate more on the lower abs because I would imagine that this is where most people have a problem.I know that this is where my problem lies.

Are you considering in the near future making a new abs video? It would be good if you got some ab work outs with the ball.I have one but am never quite sure what to do with it.
Looking forward to the new video....
Make it a long DVD!

I have no preference in regards to what order you arrange them. I would enjoy seeing an older ab routine included since I don't have any of your tapes made before 1998. Also, I would love the DVD to be as long timewise as the DVD will hold. I say cram in as many of the ab routines that you can! (MIS abs is one of my favorites). Definitely separate the planks into their own chapters, even those done within the same workout as the crunches.
RE: From a plankaholic . . .

I like your list except for omitting Power Circuit's ab section! IMHO, planks are an important part of my ab routine for any workout, and I can't get enough of 'em! And I like the song that Kickbox and Power Circuit Abs share, so that isn't a problem for me.

That said, I'M WARMING UP THE CREDIT CARD AS WE SPEAK! That also said, I'd buy the abs DVD if you put ALL of the ab routines on there and upped the price!

I don't have any suggestions for chapter ideas.


Annette Q. Aquajock
I'm not sure how you were thinking of formatting it, but I definately think you should break up the tape into sections. Some could be shorter, some longer. Any ab workout over 10 mins gets boring! Also try to include lower back work since it's easiest to fit in after abs, and most of us forget to do it if it's not on a video.

Do you know if it's going to be cheaper than the usual $19.95?

Hi Cathe! Thanks so much for asking for our input....I see some good ideas here already. My personal request is plenty of planks and lower back work....these two are often neglected. Also, a ball workout would be AWESOME. I too have a ball and don't usually know what to do with it besides play:p Can't wait!

My favorite ab sections include:

MIS Ab section - the music is inspirational

PS Legs and Abs - my favorite.

Sorry the PS tape was disqualified for your reasons mentioned.
I love the idea of alternating a traditional workout with a plank work. In my opinion, I'd hate to see the ab workout from Power Circuit be omitted b/c I love plank work (and the repeat music doesnt bother me at all). I also love the ab work from CTX Leaner Legs! I'm not as familiar with the ab work in the S&H series so I cant comment on that.

My two cents,


P.S. I think it's GREAT that you value our input so much!! That being said, in your future videos I'd love some vocal, funkier music like that found in Power Max!
I love the idea of alternating a traditional workout with a plank work. In my opinion, I'd hate to see the ab workout from Power Circuit be omitted b/c I love plank work (and the repeat music doesnt bother me at all). I also love the ab work from CTX Leaner Legs! I'm not as familiar with the ab work in the S&H series so I cant comment on that.

My two cents,


P.S. I think it's GREAT that you value our input so much!! That being said, in your future videos I'd love some vocal, funkier music like that found in Power Max!
My advice is to take the segments from your videos and make ( X )number of 10-15 minute total ab workouts. Include upper and lower abs, obliques and plank work for the lower back in each workout. That would be ideal as far as I am concerned. I have no ideas about chaptering DVDs as I do not have a DVD player.

I would just like a complete 10-15 minute ab workout to either do on its own or to tack onto other workouts that I either do not feel are complete enough or do not like.

Thank you so much for asking what we want.
I agree...the more planks the better. The rest is fine. I have used the PS series so much that eliminating the ab work from them does not bother me. Thanks for letting us have some imput!
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
RE: From a plankaholic . . .

Hi Annette! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I thought that I listed all of the tapes that included planks, this was simply an oversight. I'm using all the tapes that include plank work in the line up :)

I will be happy with any set-up! I am just soooo happy you decided to include the plank core work as I also believe it is so important to round out our traditional AB work! Thanks, Cathe, for listening to us and making us happy once again.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
PUH-leeeze consider incorporating the concept of planks as a pre-exhaust method for traditional ab work!!

Power Circuit does this brilliantly. From a core-tightening point of view, this tape is simply excellent. It's thorough and hits the abs hard and long from every angle, IMO. Core work, including planks, is great, but for me it's even more effective when followed by traditional ab work--or vice versa. The combination of the two is what gets ya. Just my two cents! However Ab Hits is put together will be great IMO because the ab work on all of these tapes is so good. Thanks for asking, Cathe! :)
This looks great. As Annette suggested though (and I believe you agreed with), please be sure to put the CTX Power Circuit Ab Work in there. To me, this is your toughest plank work... it doesn't matter to me if the music is the same as somewhere else. Thank you!

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