Suggestions on DVDs


Hi All,
Hoping you can help. I have most of Cathe's workouts on DVD, however a few stragglers yet on VHS. I am wondering which ones are worth purcashing on DVD for the premixes, etc. Looking forward to everyone's suggestions! Here's what I have on VHS, should I upgrade to DVD and why?

The 3 slow and heavy series
The 3 Pure Strength Series

What am I missing by having these on VHS?

Hi Tygra,

I'm spoiled by DVDs. My DH knew this before I did. He insisted on buying me a DVD player & getting the DVD versions when Cathe started offering that format.

On to your question....
The Intensity series offers premixes and combos. I like them and enjoy using them, so PUB/PLB is a good one to replace.

As far as the other two, it just depends on how often you use them. S&H and PSS don't have the bells and whistles that the newer DVDs have. I don't know if I would be in a hurry to upgrade because I don't use S&H as often or as long as other splits and I use the Gym Styles in place of PSS (which I still use but just not as often). It is nice to have the DVD version of S&H when I want to skip a set.

It is the Holiday Season so take it slow or add to your list depending on your situation,

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