Suggestions on best Ovulation Kit


Active Member

I look at this forum regularly as my husband and I are trying to conceive. I had a miscarriage last year and after a long and difficult time both physically and emotionally we are trying again and have been for a few months now.

I just ordered Taking Charge of Your Fertility which I have seen recommended by many people here and we have been using ovulation kits. We have been using Answer but recently I saw that it got bad reviews in like a consumer reports type article.

Just wondering if anyone had any "luck" or thought one brand was better than another.


I used Clear Blue Easy - the digital one (not the super expensive digital one, but the one that gives you a smiley face), as well as a generic one from CVS. Got a positive with both of them on the same day, so I can't say that one worked better than the other.

You can also check out, which will give you test information, results and feedback regarding every type of OPK and HPT on the market currently. I found that one invaluable, as I was at the point of scrutinizing darkness of lines and whatnot. That site actually gives you photo examples of positives, false positives, negatives and everything in between.

Good luck!
My experience is if you are doing TCOYF you will have no need tospend $$$ on an ovu.kit. You'll know by your temperatures and cervical fluid...and cervical postition if you're brave enough!

Have fun trying!!!!
You can go to and buy a bunch of cheapy opk strips that work really well. I've never had a problem with them.

I used ovulation kits but my cycles were so irregular I would have needed a few kits each month to test. As mentioned, you may want to save the money and use temp charting first. I had no luck with ovulation kits but got pregnant 2 months after reading taking charge of your fertility and doing temp. charting. The problem with ovulation tests is they only tell you if you are ovulating , most except except the super pricey one don't tell you if you are close to ovulating or have already ovulated.

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