Suggestions for Strength Training


New Member

I am planning my New Year's resolutions - version 2008. My main resolution, beyond the normal weight loss goal, is to do more strength training/weight lifting. I feel I am most successful losing weight and feeling healthy when I am lifting. I want to find DVD's I can do at home. I think some of Cathe's DVD's might fill the bill! I enjoy lifting weights and am not a novice, but want to find something I can get a good quality workout at home. I am just looking for some advice as to what would be a good place to start. I am looking for something that is just strength training/weight lifting. I want to focus on the basics. I would like to have it be something I can alternate days doing upper and lower body if I choose. I was looking at the Gym Style DVD's ... that would be three I could rotate. Do you think these are a good starting point? Or the Pyramid DVD?

Just looking for some advice ... I appreciate any help you can offer! Then I can get to ordering!

Thank you!! Kris :)
Hi Kris,

If you're thinking about the Gym Style series, I'd say to definitely get them! They provide a lot of versatility, and I know many people on the forums have gotten great results with them!

The Pyramid workouts are good, too, but I don't find myself doing them as often. My favorites are the GS and the Slow & Heavy series.

Hope this helps!
Gym Style is a perfect starting point and this series is my favorite 3 day split cathe has done. In addition to that I would alos recommend butts and guts for an additional leg workout. I also love the pyramid series. If you can get both sets of DVD's, I would highly recommend it! You can't go wrong with any of them. Do you like full body workouts as well? If so muscle max is a great one. Have you looked into the new 4 day split DVD's? These are great too. Good luck!
Here's my vote:

Gym Styles (all three)
Pyramid Upper / Lower Body; AND
Muscle Max

The reason I suggest all five of these DVDs is that the Gym Styles offer a three-way split series, the Pyramids offer a two-way split between upper and lower body, and Muscle Max is a total body conditioning workout in ONE workout. Thus you can structure things week by week (3-way split, 2-way split, single-session total body) to keep your muscles guessing.

Just in passing, Kris -

GREAT TO "SEE" ANOTHER MINNESOTAN! I'm down here in the Twin Cities.

>GREAT TO "SEE" ANOTHER MINNESOTAN! I'm down here in the Twin

Thank you ... misery loves company – nice to see another Minnesotan! ! lol! Had an interesting drive home on Sunday from Minneapolis to Duluth after coming down for the Wild game. We definitely are having a white Christmas!

Thank you all for your suggestions!

I decided to get the three Gym Style, the Pyramid, and Muscle Max ... I am so ready to go!

Now the question is ... what is my best plan of action? One flaw/issue I have with working out, is I can easily get bogged down on details. I worry too much about my scheduling/rotation instead of just doing it. Any suggestions for a good start plan? My plan is to use my DVD's 2-3 times per week. (I will get my cardio by ellipticalling and walking.) My first inclination is to maybe do the "timesaver" versions of the Gym Style series ... I could do all three the first week - to ease into it. But from there, I'm not sure. Alternate one week doing Gym Style with a week doing the Pyramid and Muscle Max? I want to workout as effectively as possible, but not make myself miserable.

Again, that you for all the advice! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!! Thanks! Kris :)
you can alternate the workouts how you like too. you can do 4 weeks using GS 3 times a week then 4 weeks of pyramid 4 times a week and then 4 weeks of muscle max 2-3 times per week. or you could alternate a different seris each week (this is what i do) week 1: GS week 2: pyramid, week 3: muscle max. A sample split for the first mentioned:
monday: GS chest and tris
tuesday: cardio
wednesday: GS legs
thrusday: cardio
Friday: GS back, bis, and shoulders
saturday: cardio
sunday: off
When you do the muscle max rotation you would just use that workout on monday, wednesday, and friday. This workout has many premixes so you could do the upper body premix on monday, the lower body premix on wednesday, and the full total body workout on friday. For the pyramid workout you can work it in 4 times a week if you like since its a 2 day split (upper/lower body).
monday: upper body
tuesday: lower
wednesday: cardio
thursday: upper body
friday: lower
saturday: cardio
Don't get too hung up on rotations. Just make sure your not working the same muscle group 2 days in a row. I've always done best changing it up every week that way i don't get bored and my body never gets used to one type of series. My only question for you is: why are you starting the GS series with the timesavor option? you will be fine doing it as is for the entire length just make sure you watch it once through and don't overdo it the first time through. all of the workouts will take a few times through before you find a good weight for each exercise. sorry this is so long. good luck to you.:)
Hi I am in the same position that Kris is in where I am planning on starting a weight training rotation for a new year resolution. I have noticed up to now that no one has mentioned SuperSets/Push Pull. I spent last night previewing dvd's and decided upon Muscle Max and SuperSets but now I'm wondering if I should go with Gym Style (all 3) and Muscle Max and just forget about Supersets since no one has said anything good about them. Any suggestions?
I'm not going to bash supersets but to me, it is not intense enough. I will do it sometimes for a change and I think the majority of the people on this board like it. If i had to choose though, I would opt for gym style over the supersets dvd any day. If your already buying a full body workout (muscle max) i would definately get the gym style to add variety to your workout since its a 3 day split. Also, if down the line I had to recommend another full body workout for you to buy, I would recommend power hour before supersets. but again this is my opinion. The one really good thing about supersets is that there are endless premix workouts on them so you get a ton of options to choose from. Good luck.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going the preview these again (including 4 DS) and make my decision since I have received some Christmas money (about $100). I already have Power Hour and have used it about 3 times in the past 8 weeks. I was really sore and thought it was somewhat hard but good. I weigh 150 lbs and my goal it to lose 20 to 25 lbs by June when I go to California to visit my family again. They are already amazed at how much weight I have lost doing Cathe videos (mostly step) but I want to knock their socks off and get back into a size 6 or 7. I have 5 children and really want to feel young again and feel great. I know weight training is the only way to go from all I have read on the forums. I love to workout but I have to wake up at 5:30 A.M. to do it (while all of the kids are sleeping). Alot of times I wake up at 6:00 a.m. but then I only have 1 hour to work out. This time of the day is what I call "My time". I feel it is the only time I have to myself when I have peace and quiet and can focus on my workout. I savor every moment of it. It's a great time too because the phone doesn't ring either. Anyways I'm excited to get my new videos (what ever they end up being) and get pumping so I can watch the inches vanish. Thanks again for all of the suggestions guys!


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