Suggestions for shorter but thorough premixes


Really need some help with premixes. I have most of Cathe's DVDs and usually do the weight workouts as originally filmed. With schedules changing within the family - I will need to work out first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, I know I will be exhausted getting up so much earlier :confused: so I want to be realistic in my expectations. If I plan a 60 - 75 minute workout, which a lot of them are with warmup and cool down - I will never get up in time to do the whole workout and my opportunity will be gone for the day.

What are some of the weight premixes that you found to be shorter, yet very, very thorough?
If you don't mind doing splits, you can just do the standing part of B&G, L&G, GSL or PLB (no floor, no ball) or all of Leaner Legs. All of those are around 35-38 minutes and they are all really thorough. For UB days, I like HSTA UB or PUB pyramid up only.

For a nice LB unweighted workout, have you ever done the Blast Only premix on Lowmax? With the warm up, it's only 31 minutes long and it's a nice leg toaster. HTH!
Upper Body Sculpt from LIC - 31 mins.
Total Body Sculpt from LIC - 47 mins.
Push Pull whole workout is only 45 mins.
The Gym Style Timesaver premixes are between 30-35 minutes
4DS workouts would be great - all weight workouts are about 30 - 35 mins.
You should also check out CTX - a bit older but only 1 body part a day.
Pure Strength is also great for splits - Upper Body ones are 41 mins. and 34 mins. Legs and Abs are 65 mins.

I agree with jonahnah - the Leg Blast premix from Low Max is great.

I always thought of LowMax as a cardio workout but it never got my heart rate up as much as it needed to be so I "shelved" the workout. I never checked out the premixes for it - hmmmm, I shall do it tomorrow.

Thanks also for the info on the other premixes and workout suggestions. I am going to put together a rotation myself :eek: and see how it goes.
Aaaahhh Lowmax

I am glad I read this. I rarely use premixes but may have to do one from Lowmax. I did Lowmax for the first time last week. Thank goodness no one was watching on those front/backward mambos off the step. I looked ridiculous but had a blast.
Do you have the Body Blast Timesaver DVD? I don't, but I know it has 5 workouts and it's based on CTX. Cardio plus one body part per day and then one workout devoted to legs. And they're all well under an hour. If I become time crunched for my workouts, that's the DVD I'm going to get! Just a suggestion, good luck on the morning exercise. I'm going to try to get back to it, too, in a couple of weeks.


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