Suggestions for Moderate Step


I was wondering if you have any recommendations for some intermediate Step workouts? Just to alternate with my other Cathe's. I really like Kelli Roberts' Ultimate Step but need a couple more. I like this one because the production is good and so is the music. There was very little power moves involved and it doesn't break things down forever like most beg-intermediate step tapes. I need something to fit into a rotation that involves 3 days of running which is why it would be cool if it wasn't too heavy on the impact. Thanks!
If you like complex choreography that is easy to learn, I'd suggest any of Christi Taylor's videos. Her Fantastic Four DVD has two step and two hi-lo workouts on it, and they are extremely fun. Solid Gold Step is also great. Give Christi a try--she's one of the only other instructors I use (the others are Kristen Kagen and Seasun Zeiger, but they might both be too high impact for what you're looking for...) Christi's production value and music is wonderful.

I love Christie Taylor also!! She is a alot of fun and has great music. Her cuing is right on and the time just flies by!!

Good suggestions! I would also recommend highly the G-Force step workouts, & also the ones they have done individually.

I recommend Kari Anderson--Hot Steps, United Steps, Body Tech, etc. She has a wonderful style and personality.

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