I was wondering if you have any recommendations for some intermediate Step workouts? Just to alternate with my other Cathe's. I really like Kelli Roberts' Ultimate Step but need a couple more. I like this one because the production is good and so is the music. There was very little power moves involved and it doesn't break things down forever like most beg-intermediate step tapes. I need something to fit into a rotation that involves 3 days of running which is why it would be cool if it wasn't too heavy on the impact. Thanks!
I was wondering if you have any recommendations for some intermediate Step workouts? Just to alternate with my other Cathe's. I really like Kelli Roberts' Ultimate Step but need a couple more. I like this one because the production is good and so is the music. There was very little power moves involved and it doesn't break things down forever like most beg-intermediate step tapes. I need something to fit into a rotation that involves 3 days of running which is why it would be cool if it wasn't too heavy on the impact. Thanks!