Suggestions for December Rotation, to give Cathe a break :-)


Honeybunch posted in the "Ask Cathe" Forum suggesting that we think up our own December rotation since Cathe's busy, maybe a CTX rotation. I think that's a terrific idea, so I'm posting here the same thing I posted over there under HB's post. Hope this is helpful, kids!!

I like the idea of a CTX rotation. Here are a couple of other options from Cathe's own rotations, from previous years:

Dec ’03 – Body Blast Series

Jan ’04 – New Years Resolution

Jan '05 New Years Resolution Weight Loss

[font color=navy]Here's another oldie but goodie that I pulled out of one of my old "Cathe Rotations" MS Word volumes:

Stacy’s First “3-Days-On, 1-Day-Off” Cathe Rotations

Kathy S.'s Note: Stacy from the Forums concocted these rotations as a holiday treat for us in December 2000. What’s great about Stacy’s rotations is that she’s set them up in eight-day segments to cycle through a rest day every three days. Thus, Day Eight is a rest day. Three days on, one off, three on, one off, etc.

Segment #1
Day One--Mega Step Blast and abs
Day Two--Circuit Max
Day Three--Step Heat
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 MIC
Day Six--MIS
Day Seven--PowerMax +/- abs
Day Eight -- OFF

Segment #2
Day One--PowerMax (or your fave step video) and PS BBA
Day Two--Interval Max
Day Three--MIS
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--1/2 or all of MIC and PS CST
Day Six--PS Legs & Abs
Day Seven--Wedding Video
Day Eight -- OFF

Segment #3
Day One--CTX Kickbox (biceps & abs) and CTX shoulders only
Day Two--CTX Step & Interval (chest) and CTX triceps only
Day Three--Power Circuit
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--CTX All Step (shoulder & abs) and CTX biceps only
Day Six--CTX 10-10-10 (triceps)and CTX chest only
Day Seven--CTX Leaner Legs and abs
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “This works the upper body twice a week except for back which I make up for in rotation #4 a bit, and works abs every other day.”

Segment #4
Day One--Circuit Max and abs
Day Two--Mega Step Blast (or fav step tape) and CTX chest only
Day Three --PS Legs and abs
Day Four--OFF
Day Five--BodyMax
Day Six--CardioKicks and abs
Day Seven--Cardio of your choice and PS BBA or CTX back only
Day Eight -- OFF
Kathy S.’s Note: Stacy wrote: “Cathe says Circuit Max only just touches on chest and back so I added the CTX chest and back to this rotation.”[/font color] Kathy S.
Wow, with all the rotations you've got here (and they're all great!) and some others popping up with Honeybunch's suggestion (nice idea!!!), I'm going to have to sit down and make a choice...thanks, Kathy!!!

ETA: I am seriously considering doing CTX through December, though I might do some Slim Series, too...CTX is great for this time of year, with time being at a premium:)

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